Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • Hi there

    New to this forum and thought I would introduce myself.

    Was diagnosed with Aspergers at age of 42 and still coming to terms with the diagnosis. Was a relief in some ways as gives me some explanation as to the problems I have had life-long. The usual scenario for a HF Aspie - very able academically (postgrad qualifications etc), always very hard working but never had career to match potential. Have never found working world comfortable and now not worked for 3 years which I find devastatingly frustrating.

    My defining "special interest" is animals - being with them and helping to foster a more sympathetic attitude towards them from people who mostly regard them as mere tradeable commodities. I like to think I lead an ethical and sustainable life!

    I suffer from extreme anxiety and consequently find it hard to enjoy things. I have recently taken up horse-riding again after a break of 10 years and I must say that although I have severe worries before going I get an immense amount of satisifaction when I have managed to get to the stables.

    I am indebted to my long-suffering partner of 20 years and my 3 rescue cats and guinea-pigs.

    I hope this forum allows other later-diagnosed Aspies to contribute as it seems the NAS is mostly geared towards parents of Autistic children. It would be nice to give more focus to those of us who have been late-diagnosed.





  • Hi there

    New to this forum and thought I would introduce myself.

    Was diagnosed with Aspergers at age of 42 and still coming to terms with the diagnosis. Was a relief in some ways as gives me some explanation as to the problems I have had life-long. The usual scenario for a HF Aspie - very able academically (postgrad qualifications etc), always very hard working but never had career to match potential. Have never found working world comfortable and now not worked for 3 years which I find devastatingly frustrating.

    My defining "special interest" is animals - being with them and helping to foster a more sympathetic attitude towards them from people who mostly regard them as mere tradeable commodities. I like to think I lead an ethical and sustainable life!

    I suffer from extreme anxiety and consequently find it hard to enjoy things. I have recently taken up horse-riding again after a break of 10 years and I must say that although I have severe worries before going I get an immense amount of satisifaction when I have managed to get to the stables.

    I am indebted to my long-suffering partner of 20 years and my 3 rescue cats and guinea-pigs.

    I hope this forum allows other later-diagnosed Aspies to contribute as it seems the NAS is mostly geared towards parents of Autistic children. It would be nice to give more focus to those of us who have been late-diagnosed.





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