Is it wrong to download illegaly?


I just thought I would start this discussion to see what people think about illegal downloads....

I can honestly say I have never done it. Mainly for the fear of downloading a virus. From a moral perspective I am undecided.

I love music and love to collect CD's and records. If someone was never ever going to hear a beautiful peice of music in their life because they could not afford it would it be OK for them to download it illegaly? If they could never create something because they did not have some expensive software and therefore never fulfill there full potential would it be OK to illegall download the software? However where do you draw the line? Do you then just help yourself to someones possesions? Also what if the owner (software designer or artist) is really struggling to make a living? Should that influence your decision to download?

I am not a big fan of the consumer economy and culture but thats maybe another topic.


  • Goatworshiper said:

    I can imagine. Visual Studio would probably be a very expensive package too because of it's potential to earn you a lot of money in comercial developments? I used it for a uni project using C++, complete headfart.

    Yeah, the cheapest, non-free, edition (which whilst less limited than the free edition, is quite limited in what you can do with it) of the latest version costs the bargain price of £502, or if you want the all-singing all-dancing Ultimate edition (which includes a Subscription to MSDN (and is the only way to get it)) it'll cost you £13,370 for a new subscription, or £4272 to renew an existing subscription (and you have to renew every year) - oh and that's a one user license!

  • Goatworshiper said:

    I can imagine. Visual Studio would probably be a very expensive package too because of it's potential to earn you a lot of money in comercial developments? I used it for a uni project using C++, complete headfart.

    Yeah, the cheapest, non-free, edition (which whilst less limited than the free edition, is quite limited in what you can do with it) of the latest version costs the bargain price of £502, or if you want the all-singing all-dancing Ultimate edition (which includes a Subscription to MSDN (and is the only way to get it)) it'll cost you £13,370 for a new subscription, or £4272 to renew an existing subscription (and you have to renew every year) - oh and that's a one user license!

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