Is Harry Potter a fraud?

My 2am musings:

As ITV have recently shown all the Harry Potter films, I made time to watch them all in sequence.    I studied them closely but I fail to see him as a wizard.     All the magic that happens is either given to him or done to him.    The only thing you ever see him do for himself is shoot people with his Phazer-wand – which was given to him.

Hermione does all the donkey-work magic while Harry gets all the fame.

Am I missing something?

  • The books are so much better than the films. Whilst I LOVE the films with every fibre of my being, the books are just that much more amazing. He still isn't 'as good' as others such as being compared to Hermione, but he did some actual spells in the books.

  • Yes he is! He is a 100% fraud no lie. I saw him stealing whinnie the Pooh’s honey pots. The rapscallion that he is!

  • 2 different sub genres Harry Potter is family fantasy in modern setting Lotr is high fantasy in a medieval like setting 

    I do prefer lotr though it has a better plot over all where as Harry Potter is 7 stories with a plot arc LOTR is one story split into 3 parts across 6 books or perhaps 6 parts across 3 books since this is the way it's mostly published 

  • thanks you two. I didnt know it was a common or widespread issue its only today that Iv had the problom. also on some  ocasions any comments iv tryed to send today just wont send and just says the issues been logged for the administrator and then I wait and then it lets me send a comment but I woud have to get rid of the writing then write again or reload the page and write 

  • I don't like how they treat the elves. Only seen the films, but only Harry ends up treating one like anything like a sentient being. I don't know why this is normal to treat a sentient being badly.

  • I watched the movies with my cousin who is a lot younger than me. I never read the books but one of the first things I noticed about Harry Potter was how rubbish he was at everything, always getting caught or injured and everyone else fauning over him like he was the hero. In the Prisoner of Azkaban scene with the lake and the stag, I’m sure someone was taking drugs when she wrote that. It made no sense whatsoever. I remember looking around the cinema at all the kids engrossed in it and thinking what utter **** they are watching. ( sorry for any Harry Potter fans out there, it’s just not for me ) 

  • Harry potter was able to make things happen when he was a child with the Dursleys so the Dursleys would punish him for it

    Remember that because Harry contained part of Voldermorts soul, it would corrupt those around him in the same way the other Horcruxs did.

    So unwittingly, it was Harry making the Dursleys behave badly.

  • It's happened to us all. Don't worry about it.

  • In the books Harry still gets a lot of help from other people, but he does more than just use his wand like a gun. He had a genuine talent in Defense Against the Dark arts but struggled with the more complex subjects. I always hated how the films didn't bother to use interesting spells and instead everyone just shot laser beams at each other all the time in duels.

  • I'm getting the same issue - written some long replies on another thread (twice), checked I was online when sending the reply and it takes forever and dissapears, loosing the whole response.


  • you are correct. but just so you know the post is very old and hadnt been commented for 5 years and ideally shouldnt of been bumped up but im guessing you  wouldnt of known this. just in case you arnt aware we arnt allow to advertise on the forum and its not christmas either so might be wise to remove the link with the advertisement details below 

  • sorry about the acidental duplicate post I havr been franticaly trying to deleate the duplicate and it just keeps coming up with eror. I pressed it once and it wouldnt send so I pressed it a couple of times and the second time it finaly sent 

  • Iv watched all of the Harry Potter films it depends on weather the topic is about the films, or harry potter in general. the films are mostly clased as magical cause hogwarts has lots of magic like frames  wit people that move by themselfs, ghosts, elfs that can do magic like dobby, things tother than just frames with people in that move by themselfs and even talk and interact with the students aswell. however Harry potter was able to make things happen when he was a child with the Dursleys so the Dursleys would punish him for it and tell him theres no such thing as magic and keep letters to Hogwarts away from him. the dursleys  reminded him no funny buisness before going out to places and when he went out to a place with a snake in the glass. Dudley said make him move! vernon then said move and Dudley then shouted move. Harry potter said hes asleep. Dursley said hes boring and went off. Harry spoke to the snake and said sorry about him he doesnt understand what its like lying there day after day pushing there ugly faces and on you then the snake responded and Harry said can you hear me? its just iv never talked to a snake before and after small bit of chatter, showing him a sign and Harry showing sympathy and understanding Dudley says Dad come here you wont belive what the snake is doing knocks Harry to the floor as he runs up to the window and puts his face flat against the window so Harry got angry focused on the glass and made the galss disapear so Dudley fell in with the snake, the snake escaped and went up to Harry and said thanks, Harry said anytime. everyone screamed and Harry chuckled, Vernon looked at him and Harry gulped vernon asked when they got back to the house what happened? Harry said I swear I dont know one minute the glass was there and then it was gone it was like magic, he got thrown into the cupboard under the stairs and he said theres no such thing as magic then everything went dark.

     he dursleys  reminded him no funny buisness before tthey went out there  cause othereise he wont have any meals for week and said get it.

    there  is a couple of instances with the Dursleys before he even went to hogwarts.  when Hagrid barges into the Dursleys at the place they were staying in He asks Harry potter did you ever make anything happen anything that you couldnt exsplain that made you angry or scared. then he says hm and puts the door back up then he said unless you would rather stay of course hm. and in the end he decides to leave. 

    in Harry potter he also takes lessons to learn how to cast magic spells he has to practice wingardium leviosa in professor flickwicks class.  Hermione  impressed everyone by showing ron how to do it. but in the video games does learn how to cast wingardium leviosa. you also have to take classes just like Harry did in the film so although some of the lessons are shown in Harry Potter there mainly in the video games. in Harry potter and the chamber. of secrets he is able to speak parsletoungue and talk to snakes, and mainly relies on that and polyjuice potion but does have a dual at some point learning how to dual from snape and Gilroy Lockhart. in Harry Potter and the prisoner of azcaban he looses his temper with the Dursleys and uses his magic without his wand just like in the first movie with the dursleys to make aunt merge in flate and fly out the house. he uses lumos to navigate through the coridor with the mauroders map. he has alot of trouble with the dementors in the films so learns from professor lupin at 13 how to cast the patronus charm which he ends up having to use at the end of the film to save sireous black as his sole comes out his mouth the dementors prepeare for the dementors kiss then faints. in Harry potter and the goblet of fire he mainly uses it in the triwizard tournament to help him except the black lake with the mermaids and the 3rd tournament in the maze but ends up having to use it in a dual aginast voldemort and escape when cedric diggorys ghost asks take my body back would you take my body back to my father. then lilly says sweetheart sweheart your ready let go let go then he pulls away the spitis go towards him the mist conceils harrys presence harry says acio and the triwizard cup  goes towards him acts as a portkey and teleports him and cefric back to the grounds at hogwarts. in Harry potter and the order of the phoenix he teaches the students how to cast spells like wingardium leviosa and reducto to help them defend themselfs and face Voldemort. in Harry Potter and the half blood prince he ends up useing it to defend himself alot like previous years. and the threat of death eaters were high cause Malfoys father became a death eater and Malfoy joined the death eaters. in Harry potter and the deathly hallows they had to rely on pollyjuice potion again and due to not being able to trust everyone and him not being able to carry out his mission to retrive all the horcruxes alone his friends went with him. in the final episode the elder want changed owners a few times and Harry  had to use the wand he owned in that film to defeat lord voldemort. he then has kids who also go to hogwarts at the end of the film. 

  •  I acidently sent another after the first one as exsplained abouve so have just simply removed the writing in this box  just so people know 


  • JK Rowling stole from JRR Tolkien. I will die on this hill. Always preferred Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter.

  • I heard that J K Rowling nicked the storyline from an aspiring author from Derry. Then again, I heard that Shakespeare nicked Christopher Marlowe's stuff. ;)