What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

More light hearted fun Slight smile 

What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

I’ll start, though mine was slightly more night terror than dream! One night last year I was dreaming that I was looking around my grandparents old house, except that there was an extra bit of house at the back, behind where the stairs were, so I went to explore it when suddenly a ghost jumped out and grabbed me by the wrists! I could physically feel something holding my wrists too, I remember physically shaking myself to wake up! Had to sleep with the door ajar for a few weeks afterwards too!

  • Has anyone here experienced deja vu? Sometime I feel that I have dreamt something that has been so very similar to what's happening in that moment it feels like a genuine memory, sometime I feel like it's impossible to be so specific in my recollection. 

  • Has anyone here experienced deja vu? Sometime I feel that I have dreamt something that has been so very similar to what's happening in that moment it feels like a genuine memory, sometime I feel like it's impossible to be so specific in my recollection. 
