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Anyone able to record audio for a sensory overload film?

Hi guys,

I thought I’d post here to ask for some help/ contributors.

I’m trying to create a short film conveying the visual and auditory experiences of sensory overload from various people.

I am hoping to record real people’s spoken experiences to overlay on top footage that can hopefully be edited to replicate their feelings.

I found some great detailed examples on this site:

e.g. “Imagine walking into a room filled with 25 72-inch flat-screen TVs that all have super-high definition and surround sound, but they’re all playing different movies. On full blast. At the same time”

(So I would film this scene like described above with the voice over.)

Would anyone who experiences sensory overload be willing to record a short audio clip explaining what being overloaded feels like? I’ve tried interviewing a few children in person, but they were too young to really understand what I was asking them, so I’m getting desperate now haha

Would anyone be willing to upload (or message privately!) a sound file for the film?

Hope to hear from you!