What Movie are you unable to watch all the way through or have deliberately avoided?

I'm a big fan of the original Back to The Future film.   I think it's perfect in every way (for its time) and it leads you gently through the story, dropping all the information you need so it's simple to follow.

I've watched it many, many times and I've seen the 3rd one a few times as well although I'm not a fan.

I've NEVER seen the second film.   I can't do it.   I cannot engage with it - something puts me off no more than 20 minutes in.   I can't even be bothered to read the Wiki-spoiler to see how it ends. 

I just don't care for it.

So what classic films have you NEVER managed to make it to the end?   

Parents Reply
  • Yeah, I was talking about the recent Star Trek series, that's why I quoted "I am a Trecky". Not that movie.

    Give it a look, the first series wasn't that good, well pretty bad. The second series really kicked it up a notch imo. Plus Cadet Tilly is pretty aspieish. They implied it in the first series, but kind of watered it down.
