Musings about Music

Is it an autistic thing to have a hugely varied taste in music, or do our tastes just diversify more as we get older? My own taste in music is very varied from heavy metal through 80's and 90's music to Trance music. For me it's not so much about the genre of the music but whether or not I like a particular song or the music to that song. Personally I like quite upbeat songs as opposed to the slower tracks, regardless of what type of music it is. What is other people's experience? What do you listen to? Do you tend to only listen to one category of music or do you prefer variety?

  • Yep, absolutely. For me it's about the sound, not so much the lyrics or culture or artist's story & background.

    When I was at school everyone else seemed to love The Smiths but I found them depressing. Likewise my parent's peer group idolised Elvis and Johnny Cash & I got really quite angry about it inside - "Can't you see how depressing and dated this is? He's not a god!".

    Many more thoughts in my reply to this thread......

    So nowadays I listen mainly to Carly Rae Jepsen (on what Spotify calls "Heavy Rotation") and upbeat chart music from 2015 onwards. 

    I also don't care about what gender is "supposed" to listen to what - if it sounds good & makes me happier, that's enough for me.

  • Yes! I can't stand depressing music! I definitely prefer upbeat music. Thank you for the link, I'll take a look. It's definitely about how a song sounds to you rather than what other people think that you 'should' listen too!

  • I'm definitely with you on that! I was lucky I suppose my mum has varied taste so does dad so never grew up with just one style. My eldest when he was a baby used to fall asleep to pearl Jam and my youngest goes nuts when you play netsky - everyday my lot seem to love bass of all kinds  

  • There was fab 1980s music on the TV Saturday evening, accompanied by a bottle of red wine Slight smile

  • I've always loved bass, I'm just awestruck by its power especially if it's well reproduced at a decent sound pressure level. Often then the awe comes from appreciation of the engineering and physics going on. When I get the house to myself I sometimes have a few glasses of wine & 1980s evening and see how many of the house walls I can get to vibrate :-)

  • I think it does have something to do with the amount of bass in the music, with kids anyway. My youngest loves my trance masters CD but she also loves my Metallica CDs just as much.  I’m sure it’s because of the vestibular stimulation that she gets from the bass. She’ll be wanting me to play a track on repeat too long after even I’ve had enough of hearing it repeatedly, in that sitting.

  • I think it does have something to do with the amount of bass in the music, with kids anyway. My youngest loves my trance masters CD but she also loves my Metallica CDs just as much.  I’m sure it’s because of the vestibular stimulation that she gets from the bass. She’ll be wanting me to play a track on repeat too long after even I’ve had enough of hearing it repeatedly, in that sitting.
