Breaking the Programming.

How comfortable are you in breaking the unwritten rules of society?

Most of us auties are keen to fit in and hide in plain sight so doing things that are considered wrong is hard for us.

We went out yesterday to a Pizza Hut (daughter's choice as she's just finished uni for the year).

We sat down and started going through the menus and I could not believe the prices being charged for a basic pizza.

£15 for a 9" pizza (I consider that a kid's pizza) and over £20 for an normal pizza.   Including drinks, dessert & tip we would be up near £100 for some pizza!!!!

I was stuck for a few seconds - I've never walked out of a restaurant before ordering and I'd be disappointing my daughter - but - Holy Crap!   I cannot blow that much cash for a sugary, over-salted, mass-produced garbage. pizza.

I was stuck in glitch-mode for a minute or so until - NO -  I can't do it - I can't waste that much money - so we got up with everyone looking at us - the waitress was confused - and we just said thanks but no thanks and we left.

We went along to a very nice Italian restuarant (if I'm paying for expensive pizza, I want a decent pizza) but as we got there 10 minutes before their daytime menu ended, we got the discounted rate - £6.95 for amazing 15" pizzas.  Couldn't manage it all - it was great.

Maybe we should stand up for ourselves more often.

Sooooo - What have you done recently to break your programming?

  • Funnily enough, yesterday I went to Pizza Hut for the first time in years and my wife and I both commented on the prices. We had already moved restaurant once though so stayed put. It was blasted half term though & I wish I had taken my ear plugs with me!

    Things I've done:

    • I no longer send Christmas cards (!)
    • I was brave enough to follow that up by texting my mother telling her I'm no longer sending cards & gifts for anything on the calendar, apart from gifts only for birthdays and Xmas.
    • I wear earplugs in public
    • I often answer "How are you?" with "Good thanks!" and leave it at that, if I don't care how the other person is (e.g. if I don't know them).
    • I haven't worn a shirt & tie, or that kind of shirt, since 2017.
    • If it's cold in the office, I sit at my desk with my coat on.
    • I'm comfortable walking into and out of the office with earplugs in, and saying neither good morning nor goodbye (I sometimes do though, when *I* feel like it).
    • I say no when colleagues ask if I want lunch with them, especially if we've just been in a meeting together
    • When my mother texts, I leave it an hour or a day before texting back & no longer feel pressured into replying instantly
    • I've deleted my LinkedIn account!!!!
    • I'm sure there's more!
  • With you on most of that.  The last time I wore a tie was around my waist, to hold my trousers up!

    I've deleted or deactivated all of my social media accounts.  Just this one going now.

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