What if everyone in the world had Aspergers?

Imagine a hypothetical world, where everyone had Aspergers....

I wonder how that world will be like. There won't be a diagnosis, since everyone has it, it's normal.

But what I wonder most is whether it would be an easier or more difficult world to live in?

- Reasons why it may be easier - 

  • The way that you think will be similar to how other people think (very logical, caring a lot about rules, routines, etc.), so it will be a lot easier to understand each other. There will be fewer misunderstandings among people. The world will be orderly, and there won't be problems due to people forming gangs, cliques, alliances against people just because. There will also be a lot of people who share similar intense interests as you (e.g., science, math, art, etc.), so conversations will be fun and educational. People will be very aware of sensory issues, so there won't be people wearing strong perfumes, smoking, playing loud music in open public.

- Reasons why it may be harder - 

  • People may still misunderstand what other people are feeling, even though they have the same condition. Since Aspergerians care a lot about being correct, if a difference in opinion happens, they may engage in long ever-lasting debates over months, causing both parties lots of frustration, instead of letting it go. People might not be able to tell the difference of someone accidentally making a mistake and hurting them, or if someone deliberately hurt them. People have stimming behaviors that while understandable could possibly affect another person (e.g., if someone stims by making random vocal noises it might cause another person with noise-sensitivity a lot of pain). 

What do you think?

  • My question to that question is reproduction. NT minds only think about sex. Everything we do and say and act is part of the sexual ritual. From presenting interest to presenting non interest. Or presenting a formality where sex is taboo. But it's still three just not allowed to be presented. So NT are all about sex  That's it. But we breed and survive.  

    How would you envisage that you ensure the survival of the species through reproduction? 

    Hoe would the rules for that work in a AT only world? 

  • I think this is an interesting question. And it's really nice to have an NT here that is interested in learning more about AT people! I personally do not know much about this topic and have never been in a romantic relationship before. I agree with Binary that there many autistic people who do reproduce and have families. But I think there is a slightly higher percentage of autistic people who do not, compared to the general population. Some of the difficulties have already been mentioned, e.g., eye contact, social communication, small talk, which are important in getting to know a partner. There might also be sensory difficulties, as some people do not like being touched, or cannot stand the crying sound of a baby. I think it is possible that in a world of autistic people, the population would grow smaller, as there is a good percentage who do not engage in reproduction. Maybe technology could help with some of the struggles that might hinder autistic reproduction, e.g., reproduce in a test tube and have robots take care of the feeding and changing of infants.

  • My daughter has told me, (12rys old) as i learn about her world, that mum and dad have a free pass, which i understood to mean that , the trust level is so high, that if we are sitting next to her, she does not have to focus her mind(bring it back to local vicinity ?) And that the expected cuddles are enjoyed, not feared, only because of this trust she feels with us, Which i fully understand,  Because she went on to say, that anyone else within 15 meters of her that is not trusted to this level, She has to bring her mind back to focus on them as they get closer, This focus and effort is what makes her so tired so quickly, To be comparable, It sounds like what it would feel like if i had to constantly focus and talk to someone 20 meters away, if i had to do that all the time i would be tired as well , very quickly, Now we NT's also have a dead(not focused on) space about a arms length from our bodies our very sensitive personal space, So for example if someone was 50cm from my body in my face, I would be on full alert, i would not be able to  focus on anything else, except the desire to push them away, which i would do , unless i really controlled myself, Now if i had to control myself to allow someone i did not want in that arms length space around my body, again i could  do it, but it would drive me insane, and i would develop serious metal breakdowns, Its torture

    All NT's would seriously need to know the person before they let them in their personal dead zones around their bodies

    So is it just a question of that dead space(not focused on). For AT;s being different 

    This sense of personal space, how does it work ? as a physical distance 

  • My daughter has told me, (12rys old) as i learn about her world, that mum and dad have a free pass, which i understood to mean that , the trust level is so high, that if we are sitting next to her, she does not have to focus her mind(bring it back to local vicinity ?) And that the expected cuddles are enjoyed, not feared, only because of this trust she feels with us, Which i fully understand,  Because she went on to say, that anyone else within 15 meters of her that is not trusted to this level, She has to bring her mind back to focus on them as they get closer, This focus and effort is what makes her so tired so quickly, To be comparable, It sounds like what it would feel like if i had to constantly focus and talk to someone 20 meters away, if i had to do that all the time i would be tired as well , very quickly, Now we NT's also have a dead(not focused on) space about a arms length from our bodies our very sensitive personal space, So for example if someone was 50cm from my body in my face, I would be on full alert, i would not be able to  focus on anything else, except the desire to push them away, which i would do , unless i really controlled myself, Now if i had to control myself to allow someone i did not want in that arms length space around my body, again i could  do it, but it would drive me insane, and i would develop serious metal breakdowns, Its torture

    All NT's would seriously need to know the person before they let them in their personal dead zones around their bodies

    So is it just a question of that dead space(not focused on). For AT;s being different 

    This sense of personal space, how does it work ? as a physical distance 

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