Job interviews, should I mention my Asperger's?

Hi, I have a job interview next week, and I don't know whether to mention that I have Aspergers or not, would you? it's not something I like to mention but I feel I should mention it because I don't want any misunderstandings between myself and the staff,  as with my last job, which I recently got sacked from because of my  "erratic " behavior and " attitude". I never told them about my Asperger's when I started working there.

  • rarely tell an employer about my Asperger's purely out of fear. I'm always scared they would reject my job application and they would have little understanding on Autism in general. Weirdly enough every time I mention my Asperger's I never hear back from any jobs, but when I don't mention my Asperger's I hear back from many of them. I'm very good at pretending to be neurotypical for an interview, however I feel like my Asperger's becomes so obvious after the first few weeks of being in that job...especially as I have never had a job where I fit in with other colleagues because I am not sociable and would rather keep myself to myself.

  • rarely tell an employer about my Asperger's purely out of fear. I'm always scared they would reject my job application and they would have little understanding on Autism in general. Weirdly enough every time I mention my Asperger's I never hear back from any jobs, but when I don't mention my Asperger's I hear back from many of them. I'm very good at pretending to be neurotypical for an interview, however I feel like my Asperger's becomes so obvious after the first few weeks of being in that job...especially as I have never had a job where I fit in with other colleagues because I am not sociable and would rather keep myself to myself.

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