Anyone else having issues with the website?

I often can't reply on the forums unless I press ctrl+f5 to reload the page - otherwise it sits doing nothing when I submit. Also, I am asked to sign in, unless I am in the forums then it shows me signed in!
Speed is chronically slow.

Click on my account link and get a page saying to press a different link instead.

It's very messy. It's getting to the stage now whereby it's almost unusable. As a software developer I find this really annoying.

  • I struggle with it sometimes.  Today, I was posting a comment and wanted to insert some quotes from the OP, but it wouldn't work properly.  It's also sometimes very slow posting.  I tend to end up copying what I've written, coming out of the thread, then going back in and pasting - and it seems then to post alright.  One really annoying thing that kept happening is that I'd forget to sign in and would be writing a post or comment, then go to post it - only to get the 'Sign In' screen up, with everything I'd written lost.  So, what I tend to do now - even if I am signed in - is to write whatever it is in Word first, then copy and paste.  Either that or make sure I take a copy of what I've written so that I can paste it again, rather than rewrite it, if for some reason it doesn't appear.

    It is very slow at times, yes.  Very slow.

  • I struggle with it sometimes.  Today, I was posting a comment and wanted to insert some quotes from the OP, but it wouldn't work properly.  It's also sometimes very slow posting.  I tend to end up copying what I've written, coming out of the thread, then going back in and pasting - and it seems then to post alright.  One really annoying thing that kept happening is that I'd forget to sign in and would be writing a post or comment, then go to post it - only to get the 'Sign In' screen up, with everything I'd written lost.  So, what I tend to do now - even if I am signed in - is to write whatever it is in Word first, then copy and paste.  Either that or make sure I take a copy of what I've written so that I can paste it again, rather than rewrite it, if for some reason it doesn't appear.

    It is very slow at times, yes.  Very slow.
