A Random Topics Thread Where I Can Post Whatever I like Whenever I Gain Opportunity Or I Reeeally Feel Like Sharing It Upon The Internet

...This Thread "does what it says on the Tin", there. To be honest, I was just fed up of there being no 'Random Topics' Threads anymore, and I also miss the "Did anything Good Happen Today?" Threads, totally. 

So this is my own Thread... And I myself, as a Winged Were-Cat forced to live in a Human body (!), am starting this Thread... into which I shall put absolute Miscellany... So There, Nerrr.

Beware the Chaos. And Science. And lack of End Dates. Yet, As Always - Good Fortune to all who may read (When I can spare the Energy!)...

  • Is is anyone else here old enough to remember the random goodies we got in Jamboree bags? I remner some very hard 'chalky' sweets, I think the bags contained mottoes too...

  • Yes I do,,also lucky bags,,,,,,there also used to be a charity bag put through my gramps letter box, I was told “ Don’t open it or we will have to pay for it”.

    It was a magazine, paper style comic, a little toy, a few sweets etc, I never did get to open one but always wanted too.

    If unopened and not wanted you had to put it outside and they would come pick it back up again.

    Do you remember jublees,,,frozen lollies, triangular,,,ish,,,no stick, just frozen fruit squash,,, also certain times of the year pomegranates were available, used to spend hours sat pucking out the tiny fruit bits with a pin, often jabbing my gums when eating it off the pin. 

    The good old days eh!

  • I don't remember jublees but they sound lovely, nor the charity bags which were probably hidden from me. Do you remember the Corona van and those lovely glass bottles with the raised dots on them? How about Lucozade in proper glass bottles with the bright orange cellophane wrap? Getting bought a bottle was a sign that you were considered to be properly ill. How I loved staying in bed ill as a child! I also liked he school 'sick room' where if you were lucky you would be given a fizzy disprin and allowed to lie down for a nap. Pomegranates were never seen where I lived as a child, even a green pepper was considered exotic! 

  • We did too - it was great that we could generate a bit of money like this as we did not get much pocket money. 

  • I always had ear ache as a child too... still do a lot as an adult... I read somewhere that there's a connection between childhood ear infections and autism. 

    We had some orange vitamin tablets that tasted just like sweets. The disprin we got at school were just plain white tablets but the fizz on your tongue was great!

    Best of all was being able to stay in the sick room at school safely tucked away in the peace and quiet with a little camp bed and a blanket (bit scratchy though!). 

  • Yes.  I remember the Corona lorries. 

    Many years later my mother was also reminiscing about them, complaining that they were addictive, ruined both teeth and bladder. and that kids were drinking whole bottles and.simultaneously peeing in the street.

  • Fizzy disprin,,,,we had tiny little orange tablets, were they what you meant ? I liked them so much I swallowed nearly a whole bottle full, mum freaked out but I was ok, we never got any fizzy Cora Ona from the delivery truck,,,others on our estate did, we were to poor, the lucozade was a sign of being ill, yes that bright orange wrapping... ooooh loved peering through it as it brightened up everything you looked st, a ray of sunshine in a gloomy world.I always had ear ache, cotton wool in my ears, 

    thanks for the memories, ()

  • We used to hunt round for bottles to take them into the newspaper agents and get the deposit money.

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