Invalidated insurance

Does the NAS know of any instances where failing to declare ASD has invalidated an insurance policy?

  • You only have to tell DVLA IF a condition or illness affects your ability to drive, for example eye conditions that affect your sight or maybe a heart condition or epilepsy etc that may result in sudden loss of control or consciousness. Should your ASD result in a sudden loss of control, affect your spacial awareness, speed and or distance judgment, maybe coordination or any other aspect that makes your being in control of a vehicle a risk I suspect you should inform them. 

    In terms of insurance there is no forum answer, you should read each policies individual terms and conditions once purchased or schedule prior to purchase. 

  • You only have to tell DVLA IF a condition or illness affects your ability to drive, for example eye conditions that affect your sight or maybe a heart condition or epilepsy etc that may result in sudden loss of control or consciousness. Should your ASD result in a sudden loss of control, affect your spacial awareness, speed and or distance judgment, maybe coordination or any other aspect that makes your being in control of a vehicle a risk I suspect you should inform them. 

    In terms of insurance there is no forum answer, you should read each policies individual terms and conditions once purchased or schedule prior to purchase. 

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