Invalidated insurance

Does the NAS know of any instances where failing to declare ASD has invalidated an insurance policy?

  • I have not heard of this, but there are different cases. It is best to talk about it with people who understand the laws, such as lawyers or even doctors. And in general, everything about insurance is something I try to avoid because I don't trust insurance companies right now. The only insurance I have recently made is life insurance so that in the event of my death, my son, who has autism, and my wife will receive money for me. If anyone does not know how it all works, I advise you to read this article I think it will be interesting to many.

  • I have not heard of this, but there are different cases. It is best to talk about it with people who understand the laws, such as lawyers or even doctors. And in general, everything about insurance is something I try to avoid because I don't trust insurance companies right now. The only insurance I have recently made is life insurance so that in the event of my death, my son, who has autism, and my wife will receive money for me. If anyone does not know how it all works, I advise you to read this article I think it will be interesting to many.

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