Student Problems

I'm a theology student and in class this morning I was given two pieces of scripture to read and then asked to share the connection with the rest of the group. Group sharing is not one of my favourite things but I stayed, even though the task didn't make any sense to me. 

It turns out I'm not completely inept at this whole studying thing because the difference between the two historical documents I'd been given was their emphasis on social customs. As the ONLY aspie in the room, I am the last person who is going to identify a social custom, much less be able to share some of the problems it might have caused a community TWO THOUSAND YEARS AGO. I can't even get the practices of 2018 right.

I'm trying to focus on the comedic value of this moment rather than re-enacting Jesus and flipping a table.

  • Jesus flipped a table? I don't remember reading that (although it has been quite a while indeed since I read a bible)! What was his reason / situation in the story? 

    I've only flipped a table once, when I realised I'd lost a card game to someone cheating.  

  • When Jesus went badass and started kicking the payday loan lenders out of the Temple of Solomon.

  • Yeah, I went and looked it up after posting that and had a VERY vague recollection of having read the story. I spent most of my childhood around the bible so I should probably remember more of it than I do. Moneylenders and Dove Sellers, the usual suspects   : /    

  • So they were preying on superstitions. Some things never change. Exploiting peoples faith is a massive sin. Mental cruelty.

    I just don't get the whole absolution thing. Either don't do something wrong or apologise or make amends directly! Killing some innocent animal is just beyond logic. No wonder Jesus was so miffed.

    Jesus would probably be flipping buildings.........

    Thanks for that, pretty interesting stuff!

  • Do you know, all day today I kept thinking about those doves! Why were they there? Why did everyone want to buy doves? Was it some kind of pigeon-post thing? Were they betting on the doves in the same way that some pigeon clubs did / do? Were they fighting doves? Do you even get fighting doves? Was the whole thing a gambling ring? Is that why the moneylenders were there? 

    I shouldn't read posts like this before I go to bed, I've never spent so much time thinking about doves in my entire life! 

    It's probably also the first entire day I've spent thinking "Where IS that bible I had?". (Found it!) 

  • The background behind the dove sellers is that people would go into the temple to be absolved of ther sins, and they would sacrifice an animal for this purpose. Of course, regular money was considered "impure" so the moneylenders (waiting right there in the temple) would exchange the "dirty" money for "clean" money (basically money laundering) so that people could buy an animal of the suitable type from the dove sellers (I guess the size of the sacrificed animal corresponded to the size of the sin to be absolved) and then sacrifice the animal at the altar in the temple.

    Basically, the system allowed anyone to commit any sort of sin, as long as they had enough money to buy a sacrifice animal at the temple (much like today, when people can commit terrible crimes and get off because they can pay for a good lawyer to defend them).

    All this stuff has been around for millenia, in a slightly different form. It all started with the moneylenders and dove sellers. I wonder how many tables Jesus would flip in present-day society.....

  • The background behind the dove sellers is that people would go into the temple to be absolved of ther sins, and they would sacrifice an animal for this purpose. Of course, regular money was considered "impure" so the moneylenders (waiting right there in the temple) would exchange the "dirty" money for "clean" money (basically money laundering) so that people could buy an animal of the suitable type from the dove sellers (I guess the size of the sacrificed animal corresponded to the size of the sin to be absolved) and then sacrifice the animal at the altar in the temple.

    Basically, the system allowed anyone to commit any sort of sin, as long as they had enough money to buy a sacrifice animal at the temple (much like today, when people can commit terrible crimes and get off because they can pay for a good lawyer to defend them).

    All this stuff has been around for millenia, in a slightly different form. It all started with the moneylenders and dove sellers. I wonder how many tables Jesus would flip in present-day society.....

  • So they were preying on superstitions. Some things never change. Exploiting peoples faith is a massive sin. Mental cruelty.

    I just don't get the whole absolution thing. Either don't do something wrong or apologise or make amends directly! Killing some innocent animal is just beyond logic. No wonder Jesus was so miffed.

    Jesus would probably be flipping buildings.........

    Thanks for that, pretty interesting stuff!

  • Do you know, all day today I kept thinking about those doves! Why were they there? Why did everyone want to buy doves? Was it some kind of pigeon-post thing? Were they betting on the doves in the same way that some pigeon clubs did / do? Were they fighting doves? Do you even get fighting doves? Was the whole thing a gambling ring? Is that why the moneylenders were there? 

    I shouldn't read posts like this before I go to bed, I've never spent so much time thinking about doves in my entire life! 

    It's probably also the first entire day I've spent thinking "Where IS that bible I had?". (Found it!)