
For me, loneliness varies widely.

I can be totally alone at home all day.  Not speaking to anyone.  Yet not feel lonely.

At other times I'm surrounded by people, all communicating, but I feel completely alone and very very lonely.

School was a loneliness nightmare.  Children all around me.  But I was totally alone year after year 

Yesterday I felt almost ok.  Heard a sad song on the radio and suddenly the loneliness hit me.

  • I have been the same in the past but not so much these days.

    The most lonely I ever felt was when I was effectively working as a consultant and I was in a large office with easily over a hundred people on the floor I was working on and I might as well not have been there for all any of them would have noticed. The trend towards hot desking where staff just grab whatever desk is available does not help.

  • I have been the same in the past but not so much these days.

    The most lonely I ever felt was when I was effectively working as a consultant and I was in a large office with easily over a hundred people on the floor I was working on and I might as well not have been there for all any of them would have noticed. The trend towards hot desking where staff just grab whatever desk is available does not help.

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