National Key Scheme for toilets.

I have had a 'Radar' National Key Scheme key for some time.

I find public toilets impossible, they are smelly and unhygeinic with wet (urine) soaked floors, rudimentary handwashing facilities, and only slightly better than wetting myself. I will only use one when absolutely desperate.   I therefore thought that as I was Autistic I would get a key so I could use the 'disabled' toilet.

Problem is, I cannot bring myself to use it.  I do not have a wheelchair or have physical problems using a 'normal' toilet.  The problems I have are a mental aversion.  On the odd occasion I have used the 'disabled' toilet (what a strange name, it is not the toilet that is disabled, it works perfectly!) it is because the normal one is out of use.  And it has always been a lot cleaner and more pleasant.

So should I just grit my teeth and bear the normal toilets?  Or should I ignore the (perceived) thoughts of those who think I should not use the disabled toilet.  Or is it the case I should not use the disabled toilet at all as they are only intended for those who are physically disabled?

  • The regulars on this site know me as the guy who photographs everything.

    Including public toilets Grin

    I came across these disgusting ones on my travels.

  • The regulars on this site know me as the guy who photographs everything.

    Including public toilets Grin

    I came across these disgusting ones on my travels.

  • To MrRobert123... Goodness me, you have deposited some *very filthy* picures, there! Are you taking the p*ss out of this Thread, by posting such c r a p??


  • Off topic but I started the topic I can go off-topic if I want .....!

    Procrastinator wrote:

    "In the old days, I accepted my photo's got lost if I didn't do something about it, but now as it happens automatically I can't bring myself to actually delete them, and the next I-cloud back up is very expensive. Have you got a system?"

    I upload all my pictures to Flickr.  You can set it to upload automatically when you take them if you like  You can tag them, make them visible to everyone or just to friends or family, or keep them for your private viewing only.  It is free and you get a terabyte of storage (which is an awful lot, it would take half a million pictures to fill it up ... and if you did you could just open another account keeping your original one as well.  There is an app you can use or you can just go to the link below.  It will also automatically sort your pictures into categories - animals, insects, architecture, etc.

    Some of my pictures (not of toilets!) you can see here:

    My flickr pictures

  • Former Member
    Former Member in reply to Robert124

    Hi Robert 123 .

    These loos still seem pretty decent to me - in comparison to some of the atrocious things I have come across.

    I mean: there is toilet paper (!!!!) and there' s a functioning seat that can be covered in the toilet paper. The dirt on the floor looks like dirty damp floor with no obvious excrements smeared all over the floor, seat or walls.  There is no sanitary protection littering the floor.

    Top tip number 1: when using a loo with a wet floor: first pull up or fold up your trouser legs if you are wearing trousers before you pull your trousers down :-) 

    Tip 2 you can buy paper toilet seat covers.

    Tip 3: use a tissue to touch doors and locks and taps.

    Tip 4: don't drop anything on the floor :D 

    I like the pictures. I can almost feel the atmosphere there. (And smell it)

    PS I have a question for you

    If you also take pictures of things: my phone automatically uploads everything to I-cloud, I have paid to expand my i-cloud, but because I take too many photo's I don't delete, that is also getting full up and I am feeling stressed about it because I don't have a computer brain.  
    In the old days, I accepted my photo's got lost if I didn't do something about it, but now as it happens automatically I can't bring myself to actually delete them, and the next I-cloud back up is very expensive. Have you got a system?

  • I would feel extremely uncomfortable in ones like these.

    Especially, if someone else could come in at any time.

    I feel very vulnerable in toilets.

    I do not understand why people like to write rude things or graffiti on the walls. This is so upsetting. I like nice walls.