Your sanctuary!

Where's your favourite place?  The place where you feel safest and most comfortable?

Here's mine - my living room at home.  It's small, but it's my sanctuary!

Parents Reply Children
  • hey we could be near neighbours, I was looking at a bungalow not far away, it was at guide price of £65.000 But was sold by closed bids. Glan Ddol Lon Ddwr acre of land in need of total refurbishment. Nice and isolated, only Spectrum guests allowed to visit Lol.

    tried to post a picture but won’t let me?

  • So would mine!  I dream of such a place!  An island came up for sale a while ago, and an Aspie friend suggested a crowdfunding venture.  Unfortunately, even with 100 of us, we'd have needed £10k each.  That would have given us around 5 acres each.  But then we'd have to build dwellings.  A big yurt would do me, probably - but I don't have that kind of cash.