An idea for reconnection if communication is strained

This may work!

Hi all

I've been thinking on whether it is possible to rebuild connection when currently talking things through is too difficult/energy consuming/triggering.

I have two ideas
- doing something together physically. Hobbies, walks, let it be even hanging laundry or cooking to build closeness in similar way like when dating or making friends by doing something together

- tweak the happy - crappy communication.
By that I mean to say positive comments/thank yous in person. Anything "good" goes in person so it's noticed, seen, appreciated as it often can feel overshadowed by the grievances.
Set up a "need to say it" jar, for each person involved, for less easy messages.
When you have something critical to say, or something that upset you, or in other way difficult to receive it goes on the paper and into recipients jar.
While writing it we automatically are slower than when speaking, we have a chance to reflect, sometimes notice when overreacting. Sometimes realising the issue is not worth mentioning.
The very art of writing it, even to throw away, can help to get rid of this from the mind.
If a "crappy" message still needs to go to the jar though, it won't be dismissed. The jar owner can look at it when they are ready. This way the difficult message doesn't attack them suddenly. They can also have time to read it and process and decide if they want to respond and how. It's likely that they won't blow up at the writer as they have prepared and the writer might not be around at that time.
There is a level of trust that person will get to the messages when ready/prepared and we don't rush them.

Please let me know what you think about this. Does it make sense? Would it help with communicating - especially if the traditional way is triggering?