Absolutely exhausted, burnt out and tired.

*This is in a nutshell*


Survived this week as we had visitors staying nearby close to a train station in a village. Was absolutely nightmare to get through to them (common); tried to explain (4 times); that we can't get into a tiny car anymore.

4th September was a change of plan (supposed to show the visitors the new shops etc.); We Had a phone call saying the visitors wanted to pick up us to go to a national trust property. The car is tiny and impossible to get in and out.My parents said no and best option was the visitors do the national trust property. Then go into my town for lunch.Slight frown ending up having a late lunch and flagging. 

5th September had a phone call from the visitors saying they were going to drive to my town and park up. Parents said see you on the platform (allow plenty of time to buy a ticket); Disappointedone of the visitors saw our back gate open and thought someone was stealing. My parents weren't happy that they ignored the instructions. Explained it was the window cleaner (they let us know, the night before); managed to do the boat trip without feeling nauseous. 

Whole duration the visitors Didn't asked me about my group I go to. Other people do this as well. 

Those the ones who wanted to send me a cheque to do a hiking trip (covid is still around) or a residential training course. They were trying to plan for my future (when my parents die eventually);I'd declined as its up to me what I want to do. Finding people don't listen to me and reject my ideas. Shock horror the visitors wanted to stay a further 2 nights and the b&b said no. I would be exhausted. Both of them are unwell.

This is once a year.