

I was diagnosed to be on the spectrum when I was 17. I am now 24 and while I don't hate the fact that I am autistic, I have struggled to accept my diagnosis. Does anyone have any advice?

Maybe I just need more support or more neurodivergent people around me?

  • Hi Libs 

    I don’t have any advice unfortunately and I’m undiagnosed myself. I can relate to your post though. I have realised for around a year now and have been seeing a therapist more recently. Some days I feel convinced I am ASC but some days I’m relatively comfortable and doubt it as well. I’ve had a long time to adjust to how I’m expected to be so very confused about my likes and dislikes but discovering more about myself each day.
    From what I’ve seen on here you are definitely not alone in your thoughts, I have read from many that it takes a long time to accept and figure out what keeps you on a level.

    good luck in your journey 

  • I think that hanging around here helps a bit. Weekends can be quiet though...