Finding my way around Belfast - Potential Pickle

I was heading to the Ormeau Road, from the M2, and ended up towards East Belfast; having been on the wrong lane at the end of a one-way. Then, when negotiating my way back, I may have cut past a red light.

God willing, I wasn't caught on camera. However, I did panic. Though I found my way, eventually. 

How may I address the issue, with my solicitor, should I receive a Police Warning, in relation? Would it be possible to plead mitigating circumstances, due to diminished responsibility? 

  • Would it be possible to plead mitigating circumstances, due to diminished responsibility? 

    If you were driving with diminished responsibility then you probably shouldn't have been driving at all - I don't think that will work as an excure and may even result in you recieving a ban for driving knowingly I'm afraid.

    At worst you are likely to get a fine and points on your license and at best there was no working camera there so in your situation I would just wait and see if you get a letter then see what the options are. You normally get a month to pay the fine or submit a challenge I think.

  • Would it be possible to plead mitigating circumstances, due to diminished responsibility? 

    If you were driving with diminished responsibility then you probably shouldn't have been driving at all - I don't think that will work as an excure and may even result in you recieving a ban for driving knowingly I'm afraid.

    At worst you are likely to get a fine and points on your license and at best there was no working camera there so in your situation I would just wait and see if you get a letter then see what the options are. You normally get a month to pay the fine or submit a challenge I think.

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