I have no reason to be alive

I go from day to day and make up stuff to keep me alive.

  • Yeah just know that you are not alone...many others go through what you do...it is the same for my son...I am on suicide watch at least once a month. I tell you this as I don't think we are open and candid about thus subject and it's important it is talked about openly as its the truth.Im no psychology expert and to be frank with my own son even however much I love him and he has every right to feel so down..there is times there is nothing I can do..as ultimately he has to learn to deal with this himself..he won't learn anything if others do it for him. So there will be advice on here and I know you will read it but when your mind is in that depression you won't be able to take on any of the positive suggestions about any of it... if you need to seek out iether professionalhelp to keep watch on you if youre that vulnerable.sometimes depression  can come and go and if this is the case the only advice I'll give is to tell you to not take any drugs or alcohol when you're depressed as this will make you possibly act on harming yourself as your not thinking clearly..ie did you know that 98% of people who attempted suicide and failed regret ever attempting it. If your depression is more permanent and lasts months for example I'd get yourself to the doctors for medication...I know a lot of what they prescribe don't help but prozac should. Also if you can in whatever way works for you..try to open up and let trustworthy friends and or family know.Also you may feel that you're done and there is no point and i get it but also know that a lot of people who were suicidal  or depressed did in fact reach in later life a happier mental state ...I'm saying don't let your mental state whilst depressed dictate what you do as you have to know that sometimes our minds are working as they should and just be aware of that....it's possible later on say weeks months or yrs etc you may feel differently and come.out of this depression and you'll be glad you didn't listen to your depressed mind etc.

  • Yeah just know that you are not alone...many others go through what you do...it is the same for my son...I am on suicide watch at least once a month. I tell you this as I don't think we are open and candid about thus subject and it's important it is talked about openly as its the truth.Im no psychology expert and to be frank with my own son even however much I love him and he has every right to feel so down..there is times there is nothing I can do..as ultimately he has to learn to deal with this himself..he won't learn anything if others do it for him. So there will be advice on here and I know you will read it but when your mind is in that depression you won't be able to take on any of the positive suggestions about any of it... if you need to seek out iether professionalhelp to keep watch on you if youre that vulnerable.sometimes depression  can come and go and if this is the case the only advice I'll give is to tell you to not take any drugs or alcohol when you're depressed as this will make you possibly act on harming yourself as your not thinking clearly..ie did you know that 98% of people who attempted suicide and failed regret ever attempting it. If your depression is more permanent and lasts months for example I'd get yourself to the doctors for medication...I know a lot of what they prescribe don't help but prozac should. Also if you can in whatever way works for you..try to open up and let trustworthy friends and or family know.Also you may feel that you're done and there is no point and i get it but also know that a lot of people who were suicidal  or depressed did in fact reach in later life a happier mental state ...I'm saying don't let your mental state whilst depressed dictate what you do as you have to know that sometimes our minds are working as they should and just be aware of that....it's possible later on say weeks months or yrs etc you may feel differently and come.out of this depression and you'll be glad you didn't listen to your depressed mind etc.

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