I have no reason to be alive

I go from day to day and make up stuff to keep me alive.

  • Honestly, I feel the same. Some days are worse than others. However, even on good days it feels like there is no reason to live. Regardless of what I have or haven't got in life. At this point, I just go day to day hoping one day I won't feel like this. 

    The only thing that seems to help is on bad days keep myself safe at home, on other days I try set goals to achieve at some point. Sometimes it's just make it through the day, others are make sure I go see the GP in the next year.

    I want to give the whole sepal that it will get better, but that  mentality is so hard to think. I hope you find things that give you joy, even it's small and I hope one day you think back and go ohh.... It's not as bad as it used to be. 

    If you're going to therapy, keep at it and be honest with yourself. Talking about things will help, just airing things out get it of your chest. 

    Sending my love I know you might not believe it but this stranger genuinely hopes you keep battling to find things that make you happy. We might not know each other, but I honestly wish you the best and I will think about you hoping you're okay for the foreseeable future. 

  • Honestly, I feel the same. Some days are worse than others. However, even on good days it feels like there is no reason to live. Regardless of what I have or haven't got in life. At this point, I just go day to day hoping one day I won't feel like this. 

    The only thing that seems to help is on bad days keep myself safe at home, on other days I try set goals to achieve at some point. Sometimes it's just make it through the day, others are make sure I go see the GP in the next year.

    I want to give the whole sepal that it will get better, but that  mentality is so hard to think. I hope you find things that give you joy, even it's small and I hope one day you think back and go ohh.... It's not as bad as it used to be. 

    If you're going to therapy, keep at it and be honest with yourself. Talking about things will help, just airing things out get it of your chest. 

    Sending my love I know you might not believe it but this stranger genuinely hopes you keep battling to find things that make you happy. We might not know each other, but I honestly wish you the best and I will think about you hoping you're okay for the foreseeable future. 

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