Accompanying learning difficulties that get in the way of life and everything in it

It's not that I don't know anything about money, but it's the ignorant and unempathetic way my family comes out with it that only adds to my frustration and makes my depression even more severe. It should occur to people that I've got learning difficulties as a result of being autistic, and having learning difficulties causes me to struggle with solving math problems involving calculation. When not struggling with math problems, I find myself struggling with something else such as recognising phone numbers and answering the phone - types of daily living tasks that are extremely hard for those on the autism spectrum. That's why I see life as unpleasant and not worth living. 

  • I am guessing it is dyscalculia. Maybe I should get my GP to get it redone with a diagnosis.

    It is a neurodivergent condition so a formal diagnosis should help get some support - excactly what that will be will depend on your local county I think.

  • You can get help with tax returns? I have a report (educational psychologist at my first Uni) that shows I have serious problems with numbers...but he never said what it was. Just all these statistics from the test, showing I have major problems. I am guessing it is dyscalculia. Maybe I should get my GP to get it redone with a diagnosis. I have to do tax returns and struggle alot.

  • I find myself struggling with something else such as recognising phone numbers and answering the phone

    It sounds like you have discalculia:

    This is reported as untreatable in adults so it is not something that you can fix.

    There is also a reasonable degree of it running in the family so it is possible that there is a "I don't want to see it because it reminds me of me" from your family members.

    It may be worth asking your GP to have you tested for this (it is a bit like an autism test) as it could open doors to being given more help for things like tax returns etc.

    To find practical help I suspect there is a limited amount you can do alone. You probably will need to have someone you trust deal with the important things relating to numbers and math and accept that lots of everyday things (checking the balance at the till in a shop, checking tyre pressures on a car, weighing food ingredients) may need a different approach.

    Consider weighing things - you may need to get an old fashioned balance scale and use counter weights colour coded for the ingredients you use - or have cups with the name "flour" written on the side etc - creative solutions can be found and routine will embed the workarounds in your mind.

    Other things you may need to delegate but I suspect support from someone is the most logical solution.

  • Hello,

    I too suffer with dyscalculia and struggle every day. I also have issues with my family not being understanding and tolerant. My local bank are very helpful and allow me more time and support to help me. I note that people with dyscalculia are often very good at budgeting while math's genius often struggle ,strange but true. I do not use nor own a phone but I regard this as a bonus as who wants to be at others beck and call?

    I am sorry you feel life is not worth living but it really is. I have been out cycling in the warmth and have just enjoyed a few slices of home baked bread. I have other projects to work on later so there is always something positive no matter what the daily struggles are. Please stop being hard on yourself.    

  • Dear NAS90559,

    I’m sorry you are going through such a tough time.

    You may like to have a look at the mental health section of our website which has useful links to information and advice about a range of mental health issues:   

    The information on this page about depression may be of particular interest:  


    Kind Regards,

    Rosie Mod