Opinions: Do we believe the NHS is capable of helping autistic people with mental health problems?

I’m autistic, and I’ve been dealing with depression and social anxiety for over a decade, now. My family has been battling the NHS to get the little support I have now. I am wondering how other autistic people are finding the NHS.

My first issue is that there are no autistic professionals accessible to me, which means I’m having to try and educate every professional I encounter on autism. I’ve been struggling to properly understand what autism is, myself, so I haven’t been doing great. I’m thankful to have an Adult Autism Intensive Support Team that operates in my area, because they have now taken up the role of educating NHS professionals on autism, but that means I’m now having to hope these other human beings internalise what is said to them, view me as equal, and treat my problems as equally as serious as a non-autistic person’s problems, which has happened rarely so far, it feels.

My second issue is the interactions with the professionals who do not care that I am autistic. Having a psychiatric doctor laugh when I told him I was autistic, asking me if it was something I had read on the internet. Having an occupational therapist try asking me to separate myself from my autism. Medication being the solution, for the time being, while I waste years of my life terrified of the world around me. I wonder what else there is that I’ve forgotten to mention. I should document the things that make me feel miserable.

If I were a caged animal, I’d have somebody in my corner. Somebody would scream “This is neglect!” Unfortunately, I’m an autistic human, so I don’t really have that. I have a team of NHS employees in my corner, who aren’t willing to bite the hand that feeds them, verbally, of course. Who would be willing to criticise the one that pays them, that gives them what they need to make it to the next day? I’m trapped, because they’re trapped. I’m losing hope. I have no faith in the NHS, or in British society to force our political leaders, those whose jobs it is to serve the people of our nation, to come to the aid of any autistic person.

In short: I have no faith in the NHS’ ability to help autistic people. How about you?

  • Im thankful to have an Adult Autism Intensive Support Team that operates in my area

    Can you access this service? 

    I agree with a lot that you have said, and have similar exoerience x

  • This team is currently supporting me.

    It’s not surprising to hear that your experience has been similar. I wonder what would need to be done by us for us to be able to receive adequate support. 

  • We all need to raise it with our MPs and media. 

    It will take years 

  • As a parent I found as soon as my son turned 18 and went from camhs to adult mental health the support just wasn’t there. We had to go private for his counselling and on the nhs it is not available if you have asd. This is ridiculous. Appointments are every 6 months . No support wot so ever. Something does need to be done but nothing ever is.

  • “Just following orders” is not an excuse for committing crimes against humanity as many *** tried to do after WWII - one day, they will have to be brought to justice for their crimes 

  • To be fair, the demonising and hatred stoked against those of us who declined the mis-presented G/M injections was bloody terrifying and coming at us from all directions, not just a handful of angry people as a few of yrou health workers are... 

    I know two wrongs don't make a right, but those people LED the campaign aginst those who had any other point of view than the official line! It's hard to feel sympathy.. 

    I'm not so far gone, that I celebrate every "vaccine" caused public death, and I'm utterly stoked (very pleased) that the grim predictions that were floating about about pretty much ALL OF YOU DYING as a result of Mrna tech have started to prove fallacious, but I'm not lauding teh peoel who pushed and promoted it and actively suppressed dissenting points of view.

    Nevertheless, this pandemic was defintely handled in a non-sensical way, across the board. 

    I know, becuase I had several roles, with different vantage points and perspectives on the "plandemic of the unvaccinated.."

    1. I was an unusually Informed member of the public when it comes to the practical side of microbiology. Pre-trained, had a coommand of the basics and situation as it was being reported some months before the "bog roll hunger games". G/F and normies at this point telling me to "stop obsessing" as I "prepped" (for want of a better word, perhaps "pre-adapted" would be more accurate VERY early in 2020.

    2. Concerned conspiracy theorist/prepper. Ahead of the bogroll rush, G/F now a hell of a lot more "on-side". We have the "secret weapon" when it comes to corona virus (UV=c ) And if it gets really bad out there I've figured that I can shop for my neighbours and sterilise the packages on the way back, and if I wear my full gear I can uv sterilise myself at the end of my shift. Then finally the government reacts and locks you all in, and that "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" crap starts up. I already KNEW that you can't vaccinate against a coronavirus since I was SIX, I also had confirmation from a freindly microbiologist that my objections to taking the shot were reasonable.

    3. Government worker reeporting directly to the cabinet office and carrying that letter that said I was a special member of the public, with rights that the rest of you had suspended. Not least, the right to work wthout taking a dodgy injection, and use the roads as I needed to. 

    EVERYONE I knew who took the shots got covid anyway. I didn't.  So ergo I didn't give it to anyone. It was the zeitgeist at one point they were going to go door to door and try and force people like me to either be injected of go to a camp!

    Who cares about the staggering level of alienation and psychological damage inflicted on people like me during that time? EH?

    All that societal and in some cases personal abuse, just for taking care of myself and trying to "warn and inform" my family. 

    Next up: Nuclear war. Currently on track for mid July - August, unless the process already underway derails, which I most fervently hope that it does. 

    There'll be clear indications to tell me to make my move as we fall over the edge, and I'm increasingly confident I can "take a trip" at the right time, rather than "shelter in place". (I actually Prepped and Planned since the 80's for that one! - I though Bio-Attack much less likely....) 

    Covid taught me that no-one will come with me, and there's a "nobility" in "facing the music" with ones loved ones, But I've always made it very clear that I inetend to die as a result of either natural causes or my own stupidity (smoking) and NOT at he whim of a politician or because no-one around me except a handful of us ever cared enough to protest aginst nuclear weapons...

    BIG Governement and it's minions are NOT THERE to serve you.

    If covid-19 didn't illuminate that clearly for people, and spark a desire for some limitation of the states power to persecute the individual "for non-compliance" then we are all probably doomed. ("Doomed I tell ye!!") .

    If people don't want to insist  that our public servants, whether public or private, stop seeing us as cash cows and producing units, to be experimented on at whim, and lied to nearly ALL THE TIME in some way or another by unaccounatble officials then, this is what you get.

    A very young "I'm a massive coke-head" prime minister involviing us in an armed conflict with a clearly detrmined and superior foe who has already issued the orders to defeat us quickly using a tiny part of it's huge panoply of forces up to and including, (under certain circumstances) parts of it's nuclear arsenal, which apparenlty our leaders including young Rishi have been informed of via diplomatic channels just so as no "mistake" occurs, but have neglected to run by the british public.

    On the optimistic side we could still get this thing under control, by means of diplomacy and common sense, (and hanging or otherwise reducing, the power of many members of the conservative party) but it's all a bit of a white knuckle ride, right now! 

    If I'd been your glorious leader, weilding utter power over you all, BRICS would have included Britain by now. Britain would be at the cutting edge of sustainable technolgies, recycling and repairing and conserving what you have would be national objectives, with the country placed on a "war footing" to develope self sustaining agriculture and clean manufacturing including energy solutions so we can become a net exporter to the world again. I'd stop the criminal justice system from "fining the poor" and seek alternatives to prison for many sentences. On the other hand, some crimes would earn the perpetrator public humiliation/ retribution, and or a sentance of servitude or reparations. Medicine would become "results" based, where quick cures are preffered to long profitable "treatments". Where cancer victims can access mecidicines similar to the "Brompton Cocktail" designed not only to decrease their pain but also to help them eke out a bit better quality of life. More of you would die at home, nursed by family rather than strangers, so that death is more "real" to everyone, and less like a video game that happens elsewhere in a sterile hospital.environment surrounded by strangers and (if you are lucky) uncomfortable friends and rellies.

    BUT, I bet I'd still mess it up somehow!

    Chiefly because it's too big a job for a single El-Magnifico such as I would be known, and it seems that except for isolated incidents I can't work well enough with others to get the job done either.  

  • You see, now it is all getting circular and out of hand !! - I'm going to bed.  Nite nite all.

  • Sorry....that should say "everything you say - BELOW" due to the change in default order on this NAS forum......that I have still not yet got used to !!

  • Agreed - everything you say above.

  • during Covid, due to the brave work of those whose life’s work is exposing corruption in defence of the truth in all its forms and from multiple places, we clearly see how corrupt our governments around the world truly are 

    Sadly the health workers who were following the official advice at the time and encouraging vaccines are now being demonised and hated on by the anti-vax brigade, just for doing their jobs.

    The corruption seems to be pervading every aspect of society now it seems and there is no longer "good" or "bad", just "I'm right and you are all wrong".

  • during Covid, due to the brave work of those whose life’s work is exposing corruption in defence of the truth in all its forms and from multiple places, we clearly see how corrupt our governments around the world truly are 

    Sadly the health workers who were following the official advice at the time and encouraging vaccines are now being demonised and hated on by the anti-vax brigade, just for doing their jobs.

    The corruption seems to be pervading every aspect of society now it seems and there is no longer "good" or "bad", just "I'm right and you are all wrong".

  • “Just following orders” is not an excuse for committing crimes against humanity as many *** tried to do after WWII - one day, they will have to be brought to justice for their crimes 

  • To be fair, the demonising and hatred stoked against those of us who declined the mis-presented G/M injections was bloody terrifying and coming at us from all directions, not just a handful of angry people as a few of yrou health workers are... 

    I know two wrongs don't make a right, but those people LED the campaign aginst those who had any other point of view than the official line! It's hard to feel sympathy.. 

    I'm not so far gone, that I celebrate every "vaccine" caused public death, and I'm utterly stoked (very pleased) that the grim predictions that were floating about about pretty much ALL OF YOU DYING as a result of Mrna tech have started to prove fallacious, but I'm not lauding teh peoel who pushed and promoted it and actively suppressed dissenting points of view.

    Nevertheless, this pandemic was defintely handled in a non-sensical way, across the board. 

    I know, becuase I had several roles, with different vantage points and perspectives on the "plandemic of the unvaccinated.."

    1. I was an unusually Informed member of the public when it comes to the practical side of microbiology. Pre-trained, had a coommand of the basics and situation as it was being reported some months before the "bog roll hunger games". G/F and normies at this point telling me to "stop obsessing" as I "prepped" (for want of a better word, perhaps "pre-adapted" would be more accurate VERY early in 2020.

    2. Concerned conspiracy theorist/prepper. Ahead of the bogroll rush, G/F now a hell of a lot more "on-side". We have the "secret weapon" when it comes to corona virus (UV=c ) And if it gets really bad out there I've figured that I can shop for my neighbours and sterilise the packages on the way back, and if I wear my full gear I can uv sterilise myself at the end of my shift. Then finally the government reacts and locks you all in, and that "Pandemic of the unvaccinated" crap starts up. I already KNEW that you can't vaccinate against a coronavirus since I was SIX, I also had confirmation from a freindly microbiologist that my objections to taking the shot were reasonable.

    3. Government worker reeporting directly to the cabinet office and carrying that letter that said I was a special member of the public, with rights that the rest of you had suspended. Not least, the right to work wthout taking a dodgy injection, and use the roads as I needed to. 

    EVERYONE I knew who took the shots got covid anyway. I didn't.  So ergo I didn't give it to anyone. It was the zeitgeist at one point they were going to go door to door and try and force people like me to either be injected of go to a camp!

    Who cares about the staggering level of alienation and psychological damage inflicted on people like me during that time? EH?

    All that societal and in some cases personal abuse, just for taking care of myself and trying to "warn and inform" my family. 

    Next up: Nuclear war. Currently on track for mid July - August, unless the process already underway derails, which I most fervently hope that it does. 

    There'll be clear indications to tell me to make my move as we fall over the edge, and I'm increasingly confident I can "take a trip" at the right time, rather than "shelter in place". (I actually Prepped and Planned since the 80's for that one! - I though Bio-Attack much less likely....) 

    Covid taught me that no-one will come with me, and there's a "nobility" in "facing the music" with ones loved ones, But I've always made it very clear that I inetend to die as a result of either natural causes or my own stupidity (smoking) and NOT at he whim of a politician or because no-one around me except a handful of us ever cared enough to protest aginst nuclear weapons...

    BIG Governement and it's minions are NOT THERE to serve you.

    If covid-19 didn't illuminate that clearly for people, and spark a desire for some limitation of the states power to persecute the individual "for non-compliance" then we are all probably doomed. ("Doomed I tell ye!!") .

    If people don't want to insist  that our public servants, whether public or private, stop seeing us as cash cows and producing units, to be experimented on at whim, and lied to nearly ALL THE TIME in some way or another by unaccounatble officials then, this is what you get.

    A very young "I'm a massive coke-head" prime minister involviing us in an armed conflict with a clearly detrmined and superior foe who has already issued the orders to defeat us quickly using a tiny part of it's huge panoply of forces up to and including, (under certain circumstances) parts of it's nuclear arsenal, which apparenlty our leaders including young Rishi have been informed of via diplomatic channels just so as no "mistake" occurs, but have neglected to run by the british public.

    On the optimistic side we could still get this thing under control, by means of diplomacy and common sense, (and hanging or otherwise reducing, the power of many members of the conservative party) but it's all a bit of a white knuckle ride, right now! 

    If I'd been your glorious leader, weilding utter power over you all, BRICS would have included Britain by now. Britain would be at the cutting edge of sustainable technolgies, recycling and repairing and conserving what you have would be national objectives, with the country placed on a "war footing" to develope self sustaining agriculture and clean manufacturing including energy solutions so we can become a net exporter to the world again. I'd stop the criminal justice system from "fining the poor" and seek alternatives to prison for many sentences. On the other hand, some crimes would earn the perpetrator public humiliation/ retribution, and or a sentance of servitude or reparations. Medicine would become "results" based, where quick cures are preffered to long profitable "treatments". Where cancer victims can access mecidicines similar to the "Brompton Cocktail" designed not only to decrease their pain but also to help them eke out a bit better quality of life. More of you would die at home, nursed by family rather than strangers, so that death is more "real" to everyone, and less like a video game that happens elsewhere in a sterile hospital.environment surrounded by strangers and (if you are lucky) uncomfortable friends and rellies.

    BUT, I bet I'd still mess it up somehow!

    Chiefly because it's too big a job for a single El-Magnifico such as I would be known, and it seems that except for isolated incidents I can't work well enough with others to get the job done either.  

  • You see, now it is all getting circular and out of hand !! - I'm going to bed.  Nite nite all.

  • Sorry....that should say "everything you say - BELOW" due to the change in default order on this NAS forum......that I have still not yet got used to !!

  • Agreed - everything you say above.