Why? Just Why?

The question posed in the title is one I have been asking myself for the past however many hours.

Partly as a result of difficulty communicating in a way that doesn't result in confusion and numerous misunderstandings, a couple of autistic friends conclude that they need to permanently cut ties and cease contact.

Some weeks later, Person A is stunned when they discover they have received an e-mail from Person B, which had been sent the night before Valentine's Day. The e-mail doesn't contain a message as such, just a YouTube link to an Elvis Presley song called 'Separate Ways'. Rather than listening to the song, Person A opts to look up the lyrics instead.

Person A cannot understand why Person B had briefly resumed contact and sent that e-mail. 

Although Person A has accepted that the friendship with Person B had to end, their emotions are still quite raw and painful. It is hard for Person A to simply switch off their thoughts and feelings for Person B.

Person A knows it is going to take them a long time to pick up the pieces and move on with their life. They are hurting and feeling miserable. The last thing they need is a reminder of a friendship that hadn't worked out. To them, that e-mail is the equivalent of pouring neat acid on a wound that has barely started to heal.

For the benefit of anyone reading this, if you choose to permanently cut ties with someone, I would strongly advise you not to attempt to resume contact with that person... Not unless your wish is for that person to be back in your life.

  • That is very confusing. I'm not surprised you're questioning the reasoning behind it. I would block the person, especially given the email, it could have been honest intentions behind it but it feels like it's an intentional hurt. 

    I hope you're ok Sparkly.

  • Sounds like the actual intention was to hurt you.  Not the restarting of the friendship. 

    You should blacklist their email address.  If a friendship is ended then erase them from your life on every level.  That's what I've done with stuff like that in the past.  So delete and block them from all social media, email accounts, phone numbers on your phone, etc.  Leave no way back in.  Then move on. Slight smile

  • Thanks. Must remember that.