Living a life "outside of the system".

We humans all live in a social system which is complex and deceptive in some of its aspects, and delightfully simple in others.

The complex part can be called "politics", the simple part correspondingly called "personal survival"

Neurotypicals are pre-oocupied with politics, most of us 'Spergs with "personal survival".   

THE (social) SYSTEM, acts as a FRAMEWORK for us to live our individual lives in a way that we all (generally) concede is the best way for humans to live. 

(I.E. not being killed for the colour of ones skin or religious / sexual / sports preferences etc.)

Am I right and clear with my thinking so far?

The banking system is designed so that your money is safer than if it's in a hole in the ground. That's common sense really, because as a lone individual it is very hard to protect great (or even moderate) wealth against the more predatory classes of people. 

The money system is designed (theoretically) so that the people get rewarded for hard work, and protected from adversity via established social funds paid for by taxes and insurance premiums etc.   

The legal system is established to give us all a fairly level playing field in life so that even the physically strong have to negotiate for not just TAKE resources. 

The social system is designed to help us al find ways of expressing our uniqueness without adversely affecting (or being unduly restricted) by the needs of others.

The religious/moral system is supposed to help us gain common wisdom as to life and our place in it and how it works, and was the foundation on which all the other systems were built and operated,

The medical system is supposed to assist us all in maintaining optimum health and effect repairs to injuries of one sort or another, when we are in need.

Together all these sub systems as far as I can determine, make up what we collectively refer to as society or the SYSTEM.


In my case, as I analysed the system with the hope of eventually being able to find my place in it, I came to an understanding that the system operates assymetrically, (particularly the money system) consistently bestowing it's benefits on people who are NOT LIKE ME whilst drawing heavily (as a percentage) from the annual turnover, (via a bewildering variety of inputs) from PEOPLE LIKE ME. 

There were many decades of cognitive dissonance whilst I struggled with that reality whilst trying and suceeding for DECADES to "play the game" with admittedly more success on the financial side, but paying a heavy (if made less perceptible by the nature of participatiion in our modern system on the moral / spiritual side of things)  

Eventually "the system" claimed my family as it does so often these days, (The older systems of social life as practiced still elsewhere in the world, are a lot more "family freindly" and less likely to make you "homeless" than our western progressive way of living since the sixties) and I faced the homelessness issue again...

At which point to you realise that you are just working to pay for a system that is designed to steal your happiness and keep you form being ever secure in the basics like housing, and adequate, clean quality food, whilst promising you more down the road if you just reject the old system of thinking and acting (GOD?) and embrace the new progressive ideas?

How many of you are still seeing things my way? 

How many of you are seeing things this way for the first time?

For many years I thought the system didn't work for me because I was of poor character and simply needed to work harder and smarter.

It's tempting to blame the Autism..

Or has the Autism merely forced me to make an objective independent assessment of my situation, which has revealed some gaping (and to a sane mind, I posit, irreconcilable) inconsistencies between how WE ARE TOLD our system works, and how it ACTUALLY works? 

I am well aware MANY people feel very well served by our modern system of life, and don't like it when people like me speak out our reality, it's "disturbing".

For me the amount of the "social contracts" I listed earlier that I have personally tested (Or observed others testing, from an outside perspective) and found unworkable in practice, is so large that it seems like human life has been reduced to a game of "monopoly" where most players get to waste their entire lives going around and around chasing a pie in the sky.


Monopoly isn't the only game available in the big cupboard under the TV of liffe...

  • yeah i bet you its all talk though, when the going gets tough and war comes men will be sacrificed again, men will be made to do the hard graft and the bleeding. there is no equality, men still get the raw deal.... i for one am fine in the traditions being broken as id prefer rather someone else do the work while i stay at home and be the house pet with no worries or stress lol 

  • Thanks

    I will look at reviews of that but  I  won't be able to read it as I am no longer able to concentrate on factual books.

    I've lived through 6 decades now and my memories go back to the pram, so I've seen society change a great deal.

    I'm more content with society as it is now than it was when I was growing up, but i know a lot of people see the past as a better place.

    In case you are interested, I made a thread on  the subject:

  • As with many "ism's", "feminism" seems after some decades of oberservation, (obviously I can't participate sucessfully, as I lack the neccesary genetic equipment) to exact a heavy price for those who overdose on it... 

    The traditional Masculine roles placed quite heavy responsibilities on men, which have now been discarded, and thanks to "feminism", not only women have been "freed" from the shackles of traditional roles.

    I being oldschool, might well still help the women and children into the lifeboats ahead of my own need, but I no longer HAVE TO... Along with a whole slew of other instances where I no longer HAVE TO. 

    We have more choices in how we conduct our lives than ever before*, isn't it wonderful?

    *Unless I want to fly my drone over my own back garden, then I find out how "choices" really work in this society... 

    (just a personal grumble. No system is perfect..)

  • wasnt womens roles long ended by the 60s due to the fact the traditional roles were upended in ww2 way back in the 30s to 40s?

    by the 60s they were long changed wasnt they? by the 60s it was more a push for sexual liberation and the casualisation of having sex with everyone wasnt it? lol

  • Taking Introvert to Hyperbole.

    That's the issue with people using Nightclubs to get a date. Eventually, we no longer become mutually compatible.

  • Basically, an inshore Sealand?

  • A book I especially like about all this kind of thing is 'The Selfish Society: How we all forgot to love one another and made money instead' by Sue Gerhardt Thumbsup  

  • Have you ever considered that it might be possible for us to make our own system? Sometime ago I was thinking what an autistic nation or at least an autistic city might look like. But then I realised building an autistic town is actually feasible if you had the money. In the UK there are things called restrictive land covenants. You could set up a charity dedicated to providing services to autistic people, it could purchased undeveloped land near to where its services are being provided, get planning permission for buildings and then sell on the land to developers but with a restrictive covenant that the land can only be used for residential purposes by autistic persons or their near family. Since the equality act allows you to treat disabled people more favorably than non-disabled people this would be legal I think. And a covenant can be enforced as long as enforcer derives benefit from the covenant to their land which in this case would be the benefit of having autistic people near the services that the charity provides. So no matter how many times the land was sold on it could still only be lived in by autistic people so long as the charity remains providing services in the area.

    Hypothetically it could grow large enough to be a town of autistic people. At which point you would end up having an autistic counsel. The social services would be run by autistic people, if it got large enough possibly even its own police force although you do generally need to get to county size for that which seems unlikely.

    If a charity had tons of money it could just start buying farmland in the middle of nowhere off some motorway and basically turn a patch of countryside into an autistic city.

  • I feel like "The System" is like a complex board game. It has a lot of components, which are extremely beneficial to those few who know how they work and so use them to live perfect lives.

    For everyone else (especially autistics), you have to make waaayyyy too many choices with flowon effects that you can't predict until much later.

  • The Class War concept, promoted by Universities and Thespians. Usurping the Market, from within. 

    Inflation is meant to debase currencies, prime examples being Zimbabwe and Venezuela. 

  • It's like Loadsamoney, making fun of the Eighties Plasterer who just did a bit, at the end, and got the Wad. 

  • Yes, very good point. I think both the old ways and the modern ways take away that element of choice in one way or another 

  • The money system is designed (theoretically) so that the people get rewarded for hard work

    not quite.... it doesnt care whether you work hard or not... its just a basic system of proof of work.... having money is a proof of work system, a paper that you can take and trade for things you need that proves you have worked for it to earn whatever item you want to trade for it.

    although work doesnt seem to get you enough of it.... and they give it to people who dont work for free, which destroyed the concept of proof of work.... and the lowest paid seems to be the hardest worker, while the ones that get most money dont work but instead invest it and make the  money gain more money, which this turns it into a proof of stake system.

  • The element of choice is key.

  • That is such a true post, thank you for sharing

    I've tried integrating in to the system but people don't want me or they mistreated me so I've stopped trying now.

    I just want to live a happy and peaceful life in my own way

    I identify with this so much. All we are all trying to do is live our own way and society wont let us 

  • I agree with you about self sufficiecny. I question whether all women were "trapped" in their roles. I know many women who prefer and fill more fulfilled by traditional roles of being a wife and mother and building a home (not all women of course but some) and actually feel more trapped by the modern society and economic neccesity that forces them to go out to work even if they actually want to stay home and look after their children.

  • There are 2 different aspects to this discussion. 

    The 1960s 

    The older systems of social life as practiced still elsewhere in the world, are a lot more "family freindly" and less likely to make you "homeless" than our western progressive way of living since the sixties)

    This is way removed from your title of 'living outside the system' as people (particularly women) were trapped in constrained roles designated by 'society' and were therefore rigidly encased in 'the system'.

    Living outside the system to my mind is a self-sufficient off-grid community or commune.

  • Good luck with finding that perfect balance :) 

    I'm trying to do the same thing

    I've tried integrating in to the system but people don't want me or they mistreated me so I've stopped trying now.

    I just want to live a happy and peaceful life in my own way

    My MH team are trying to get me in to society and normal but I know all the masking in the world won't make that possible.

    We are who we are and should be free to live the way we want whether society agrees or not ^^