Living a life "outside of the system".

We humans all live in a social system which is complex and deceptive in some of its aspects, and delightfully simple in others.

The complex part can be called "politics", the simple part correspondingly called "personal survival"

Neurotypicals are pre-oocupied with politics, most of us 'Spergs with "personal survival".   

THE (social) SYSTEM, acts as a FRAMEWORK for us to live our individual lives in a way that we all (generally) concede is the best way for humans to live. 

(I.E. not being killed for the colour of ones skin or religious / sexual / sports preferences etc.)

Am I right and clear with my thinking so far?

The banking system is designed so that your money is safer than if it's in a hole in the ground. That's common sense really, because as a lone individual it is very hard to protect great (or even moderate) wealth against the more predatory classes of people. 

The money system is designed (theoretically) so that the people get rewarded for hard work, and protected from adversity via established social funds paid for by taxes and insurance premiums etc.   

The legal system is established to give us all a fairly level playing field in life so that even the physically strong have to negotiate for not just TAKE resources. 

The social system is designed to help us al find ways of expressing our uniqueness without adversely affecting (or being unduly restricted) by the needs of others.

The religious/moral system is supposed to help us gain common wisdom as to life and our place in it and how it works, and was the foundation on which all the other systems were built and operated,

The medical system is supposed to assist us all in maintaining optimum health and effect repairs to injuries of one sort or another, when we are in need.

Together all these sub systems as far as I can determine, make up what we collectively refer to as society or the SYSTEM.


In my case, as I analysed the system with the hope of eventually being able to find my place in it, I came to an understanding that the system operates assymetrically, (particularly the money system) consistently bestowing it's benefits on people who are NOT LIKE ME whilst drawing heavily (as a percentage) from the annual turnover, (via a bewildering variety of inputs) from PEOPLE LIKE ME. 

There were many decades of cognitive dissonance whilst I struggled with that reality whilst trying and suceeding for DECADES to "play the game" with admittedly more success on the financial side, but paying a heavy (if made less perceptible by the nature of participatiion in our modern system on the moral / spiritual side of things)  

Eventually "the system" claimed my family as it does so often these days, (The older systems of social life as practiced still elsewhere in the world, are a lot more "family freindly" and less likely to make you "homeless" than our western progressive way of living since the sixties) and I faced the homelessness issue again...

At which point to you realise that you are just working to pay for a system that is designed to steal your happiness and keep you form being ever secure in the basics like housing, and adequate, clean quality food, whilst promising you more down the road if you just reject the old system of thinking and acting (GOD?) and embrace the new progressive ideas?

How many of you are still seeing things my way? 

How many of you are seeing things this way for the first time?

For many years I thought the system didn't work for me because I was of poor character and simply needed to work harder and smarter.

It's tempting to blame the Autism..

Or has the Autism merely forced me to make an objective independent assessment of my situation, which has revealed some gaping (and to a sane mind, I posit, irreconcilable) inconsistencies between how WE ARE TOLD our system works, and how it ACTUALLY works? 

I am well aware MANY people feel very well served by our modern system of life, and don't like it when people like me speak out our reality, it's "disturbing".

For me the amount of the "social contracts" I listed earlier that I have personally tested (Or observed others testing, from an outside perspective) and found unworkable in practice, is so large that it seems like human life has been reduced to a game of "monopoly" where most players get to waste their entire lives going around and around chasing a pie in the sky.


Monopoly isn't the only game available in the big cupboard under the TV of liffe...

  • thee* (doh)

  • ...there fell into my trap, mwahuhahuhahuhaaaa Stuck out tongue winking eye

  • Green.....OBVIOUSLY!!


  • Top idea, consider it done. What colour? Frog

  • You can count yourself as one of that number, brother, thanks for the compliment. You know what they say, one man’s ‘nasty-batsard’, is another man’s thunderous light-brigade..Sunglasses

  • It's not easy being green, but I'm also not a total Muppet

    Hey JT, This deserves to be on a T-shirt somewhere.  Love it.

  • For me there are two options that have always played out in my head: death (this nearly happened a couple of times), or turn and walk towards the challenges that stand in my way.

    Fortunately I'm getting more comfortable with the latter.

    I always think about the idea that depression or anxiety come about when my brain needs to develop new pathways, for challenges I've not overcome before. Seems to tally with my experience.

    It's not easy being green, but I'm also not a total Muppet, so I'm in a fortunate position to have an ok education and so am in as good a position as I can be. There are people in much worse positions than us in the West right now so I'm encouraged by that at least

  • Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your point of view,) I do seem to have an unhealthily high tolerance for stress and anxiety.....on the outside.  It does cook my brain though.

  • I realised that the 'Advice' given involved taking one's time.

    Having anxiety, and high stress levels, that isn't feasible for me.

  • I feel like the ‘system’ is like a pack of wolves, it only closes in when you’re on your knees, and they yip away as you stand.

    This is my express it well and it is right to point this out for people who might find themselves unexpectedly 'up-the-creek', especially these days.

    When my paddles had long since smashed away and I was hurtling along the creek at breathtaking speed, I was really shocked to see that the system I thought we had (and the humanity and brains to run it) simply did not exist in the form I had thought.  You find yourself needing to be a really nasty bar stard to fight for your existence.  There are some angels out there too......and a few really are life savers in ways you can't we mustn't forget them too here.

    I do like you're a kind of "at the barricades" energy in my mind.  Its a nice mental picture of you.  Your art helps me form that picture.  I hope Uhane will get some of her art up soon.

    Have a good one, citizen/brother-type entity of my mind named Desp,


  • I feel like the ‘system’ is like a pack of wolves, it only closes in when you’re on your knees, and they yip away as you stand. Whether it be your mental/physical/emotional/spiritual state, they’ll attack it all whilst they don’t have to look you in the eyes while they do it, they nip at your heels and weak points whilst feigning altruism. 

    I don’t believe that a conspiracy has be to formal and acknowledged by its members to be complicit, one can simply do it by following one’s interest, if they are aligned with the conspiracy. By blindly following/aiding the mission of one’s employer/patron one can be complicit, by making a profit at the expense of the community one can be complicit, by seeking unrighteousness (which is to say not following the right) one can be complicit, by ignoring the call to end unnecessary tragedies one can be complicit.

    So to live outside of the eco-system of the conspiracy, is to be in a rough position, because every time you tire of the current, you risk being swept away or eaten. The problem with society going forward, is the problem of the general-conspiracy deburring the edges of the channel, so that less and less outliers can find a log or cove or shore or port to seek refuge from the chaos.

    How do we save ourselves? Keep on looking and find that burr, then sure it up, then expand it as your interest allows..

  • I don't think you understand what I'm proposing. I'm not sugesting some sort of walled comunity where you can't come in if you are not autistic. The autistic residents are going to have non autistic spouses, children, mayby parents. Some neurotypical parents may want to move into a city full of autistic people so their autistic child can grow up there. No one said anything about restricting jobs. But if there was a covernent on the land saying that you can only use land for residential use if at least one resident in a dwelling is autistic then you'd end up with a city with a lot of autistic people in, posibly even a majority.

    That said jobs only for disabled people probably is legal. see section 13(3) of the equality act "If the protected characteristic is disability, and B is not a disabled person, A does not discriminate against B only because A treats or would treat disabled persons more favourably than A treats B."

  • I've found some of us us a theme song on you tube..

    It is somewhat rude, and features the eff word a lot, so it won't be to everyone's taste but I know some of you adult 'spergs will enjoy it as much as I did...

  • Sometime ago I was thinking what an autistic nation or at least an autistic city might look like.

    That would be a really non-inclusive society though and as such would probably not get any support from charities, even autistic friendly ones.

    Having jobs only open to autistic people would be discrimination against neurotypicals so expect court cases over that.

    I think with the current woke nature of society a mono-minority project like this would be doomed to fail.

  • So many end-times prophecies manifested over the past year, or so.

    To be fair I've heard this same arguement since the 1970s (wars in the desert, decine of society, false idols, lowering attendances at church etc) so I don't think it is any different today.

    Same stuff, different decade, and a population who believe less and less in God (or the devil).

  • As a Christian, I believe that the Man of Sin, ie the Antichrist, is meant to take centre stage; before the Lord's arrival.

    So many end-times prophecies manifested over the past year, or so.

    Everyone wants to be different, yet all end up the same. It's about destroying promising minds, then defaming them in public.

  • If nothing else there’s a strong chance that they could claim genocide. If typical social-service policy is repeated A city composed of autistic people could expect to have significantly more children taken into care than other cities. Removing the children of a particular people group by force to another location is generally considered a form of genocide. And in international law the definition of what a distinct people group is is wide enough that it might cover a city of autistic people.

    For example in Rwanda genocide because the two ethnic groups were effectively physically indistinguishable there was some question if it actually was technically genocide but at that point the international court ruled that cultural differences were as important as biological differences if you could argue a city of autistic people was culturally distinct it probably would count as a separate racial grouping.

    and of course local regions that find themselves subject to the genocide of the larger nation have historically often used it as a basis on which to break away.

  • Yes and no. Sealand had a fairly strong technical claim to be a sovereign nation. Practically that was basically impossible. A city of autistic people in a larger nation may not have a good legal claim for sovereign independence. But practically it might have a much better chance at it than somewhere like Sealand. At the very least you might aspire to a situation where you had an autonomy creep where it managed to acquire more and more independent powers for itself

  • That about sums it up for me too. the more one engages in any system, the more one is sucked into it's machinations, like being mesmerized by the mechanical monkey, or celestial mechanics or the social dynamics of a birthday party.


    Your post is a really interesting take on the subject. 

  • For me, these questions were summed up by my Zen master 40 years ago, when he showed up at a rally (against some war somewhere) with a plaque reading

    "the System Sucks..You In". One sign fits all.

    That about sums it up for me too. the more one engages in any system, the more one is sucked into it's machinations, like being mesmerized by the mechanical monkey, or celestial mechanics or the social dynamics of a birthday party. We crave structure AND expansion, and to understand and hack. it feels good most of the time, being engaged with a system, especially with our own bodies' system. We can choose the ones we want to focus on or engage with that's the key to the kingdom of happiness.

    Any system needs participants and input to remain an expanding, evolving system, like AI or the human nervous system or the simple robot sushi master. if there's no input there is no expansion no evolution in that system, the system just stops in it's tracks.

    When it's time for any system to crash, give up the ghost, grind to a halt. It will be that there is no longer enough 'feel good' in using it. Another one HAS to evolve to replace it. We may be at one of those junctures in history, where we crave a new system, or a set of new ones.

    Non sire, ce n’est pas une révolte, c’est une révolution.
    No sire, it’s not a revolt; it’s a revolution.