I don't enjoy anything anymore


What do you do when you feel like you don't enjoy the things you love anymore. I don't know whether its because of my Asperger's, because of COVID or of something else completely different. I'm really sorry but I don't feel like I can talk about this to anyone close to me. I haven't done anything music related since I graduated from unviersity, I hardly do anything outside of work, i.e. don't go out to places, meet up with friends as I barely know anyone outside of work. Also recently, I feel like I'm starting lose my other passion for books as well as I have barely read for the past week or so.

I feel like I'm stuck. Help

  • I feel this way as well a lot of the time. Feel trapped and have no strength and energy to do the things I love to do. Half depressed and half in burnout. I get burnout a lot, think it's my work that does it. I talk to my doctor on the phone a lot she's almost become my therapist in a way always talks to me, lovely woman. It might help you if you reach out to your doctor as well, he or she may be able to advise you with this and what you can do.

  • I feel this way as well a lot of the time. Feel trapped and have no strength and energy to do the things I love to do. Half depressed and half in burnout. I get burnout a lot, think it's my work that does it. I talk to my doctor on the phone a lot she's almost become my therapist in a way always talks to me, lovely woman. It might help you if you reach out to your doctor as well, he or she may be able to advise you with this and what you can do.

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