Autism awareness badge

Hello everybody hope you all had a good Xmas and new year 

I was just wondering if anyone had a autism awareness badge and if you go out wearing one and you find it helps? I have 2, 1 I wear at work which the multicoloured jigsaw ribbon and the other which says “I am autistic please be patient” which I’ve never worn. 

  • I have a gold infinity-symbol badge, that I wore today. I also have a badge that says 'AUTISTIC', that I would probably only wear at specifically autistic events, should any happen.

  • I just ordered one to try so I'll let you know but NTs probably don't even know even the national autistic society logo anyway so wouldn't count on it I ordered the I am Autistic card too but the cards would be better if they were more genuine as anyone can order one technically like if they had your RAADs info on them your type of autism and your name date of birth almost like an I'd but with medical records on that would be a better option