Holidays for young adults with autism


I am the mother of a young man wild mild autism and a language disorder. He is 22 years old, and has recently got a full time job which he is really enjoying! (I am very proud of him :))

He has told me he woud like to go on holiday. He doesn't really have friends he can go with and I can understand that he would rather not go with his mother! So he would be going alone.

Does anyone have any recommendations of companies/organisations that offer supported holidays that he could go on? He would prefer physical doing-things type holidays with people his own age or near.

Any help gratefuly welcomed. Especially if you have personal experience of these holidays.

Thank you very much.

  • Hi,


    I can't offer any suggestions as I am in the same boat, but I hope someone with an answer will reply for us both!

    I am 24 years old, and have Asperger's. I, too, would love to go on holiday, but I struggle with new places and travelling. I could not go on holiday on my own, but would not like to go with my parents, not least because I don't think it is fair to burden them with all my problems. They are on holiday at this moment as a 'respite' from me. I also have OCD, which takes up a lot of time. I see a support worker, and my Social Worker knows I would love to go on holiday, but nothing has been done about this. The sad thing is that with support I could go on holiday and enjoy myself, funding is the only thing that holds me back!. However, if there are supported holidays out there I could work out a way to fund it. The first step is gathering information about options. I am highly anxious, need routine, don't like crowds or being with lots of people, but would have to be near all the regular shops as I only buy food from tried and trusted stores.  I like walking and the countryside.

  • Hi,


    I can't offer any suggestions as I am in the same boat, but I hope someone with an answer will reply for us both!

    I am 24 years old, and have Asperger's. I, too, would love to go on holiday, but I struggle with new places and travelling. I could not go on holiday on my own, but would not like to go with my parents, not least because I don't think it is fair to burden them with all my problems. They are on holiday at this moment as a 'respite' from me. I also have OCD, which takes up a lot of time. I see a support worker, and my Social Worker knows I would love to go on holiday, but nothing has been done about this. The sad thing is that with support I could go on holiday and enjoy myself, funding is the only thing that holds me back!. However, if there are supported holidays out there I could work out a way to fund it. The first step is gathering information about options. I am highly anxious, need routine, don't like crowds or being with lots of people, but would have to be near all the regular shops as I only buy food from tried and trusted stores.  I like walking and the countryside.

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