re me and high functioning austism

Hi all I am a 46 woman with one amazing husband and 3 teenage girls. The reason why I am here is that my middle daughter is a possible high functioning austic girl. We are waiting to see if she is through our local CAMHS. This was flag up a hospital education school last april. She is being treated for social anxiety disorder and is on medication which has made her anxiety much better and she able to socialize and get on with life and school. 

Now I looked into what this means to be HFA and being a mum wanted to know everything. 

What I found out is lots and lots of things. The thing that stood out for me was ' hey thats me' Oh my word am I that? If so that explains alot of things. 

Like any good mum I waiting for her to get her diagnosises. The only person I have told about this is my daughter's phycharist. So we wait and see. 

Meanwhile my head is going round and round thinking. Yes I am and always have been a great thinker, serious, taking every thing to heart, high moral standards, love to give people things (that's my love language) and well lots of things. 

Am I hfa or am I getting carried away. I will not know for a while probably no easily as being HFA would make me I think a low priority for the NHS and not going to go and see my doctor until my daughter is sorted. So for now I wonder and think and love my hubsand and girls the best way I can. Thanks for reading 

  • I  did the austic spectrum quoter got 33. Need to know whether I am would explain why when I was 13 years old I started to struggle at school.  I am getting my medical notes from then. I saw a physcharist then who said it was something to do with my mother.  Neither me or my mum can remember anything . I just remember being tested and my IQ done above average intelligent did my self estimate a lot of good,  I iv was in a small private school girls only. I am hoping this will help my daughter too my original reason.  

  • I took the Aspergers AQ quiz (never heard of it until now, got 40.

  • LOL Brownie points.

    I chose not to get officially diagnosed. I just don't think it is necessary at this point in my life. I am who I am. Like I said, it does explain a lot about my younger years and current issues. My son was diagnosed so he qualifies for disability services at the college. He needed it as high school wasn't doing anything for him, but he is odd and very young. He has utilized the tutor to help him stay organized and the ability to have headphones in class when his sensory issues flare up. I'm so glad too because I didn't do well in school because of the same issues. Crowded halls, slow curriculum was boring and then there was hormones caked on top. lol I didn't have someone to advocate for me as no one really had any experience with people like me, so they said I was lazy, immature, depressed and basically odd. 

  • Hi all I looking for aspie women of my age group in late 40's to exchange information and discuss childhood and teenage years. 

  • Hi all I looking for aspie women of my age group in late 40's to exchange information and discuss childhood and teenage years. 

  • Hi I get brownie points well may be not me as I am a brownie leader. (Joke). Glad you were recognised. How were you offically diagnosised. I not sure if I would qualify for a referal from my GP. As if I was a HFW then I wouldn't be eliable for anything from the government and I dont need it. Just a better understanding of how I tick if this is true. 

    I have done the austism spectrum Quoitantion quiz and came out as 33. 

    I don't know if I am this and I am having to deal with all the emotions that comes with all the questions. I have alot of desire to know and learn more about it. That's the side of me that always is interesting in stuff even if its happening to me or someone close. The best example of this is Ok this is going to sound weird. My daughter was having a lumbar puncture to check a tick list from the neuroglogist. {she was fine just had a rare migraine) and I was still interested and my husband was backing out of the room. 

    Secondly comes the fear and or denial. I very good a convincing myself that I am something or something is true and then decided no its not and its rubbish. The fear comes from the unknown and not knowing what to do about it. What to say about it and who to tell. For this I have to think long and hard. I still thinking but I would like to say something to my husband (works in department of experimental physcology at a univeristy) He is an electriconic engineer. 

    Lastly I want to get my daughter sorted. The drive to put her first is stopping me do anything about it. 

    How does people start to move from the spot there in here and go forward. I love being me I just not sure about this part of me if its true. 

  • Hello and welcome elanoali. I am a 41 year old woman who was recognised as HF Aspergers a couple of years ago from my husbands collegue (a Neuro Assessment Instructor) while looking into the possibility of our 14 year old son being an Aspie. So, after research and chatting with others, it calms me a bit to know others are wired like us. I've always been odd (and still am) in societal views. Thankfully, I love who I am and do not want to view the world differently. This also doesn't give me any brownie points when it comes to reviews at work when it comes to the part of playing with others nicely, but hey, I am very good at what I do so I don't mind .