Could I have Aspergers?


Firstly, sorry if this is the wrong place to post this and sorry if I'm too young (16). 

For a year or so I have wondered if I might have Aspergers (I'm a 16 year old female), and wondered what people here think?

I have always been the shy and socially awkward kid who doesn't really fit in, and I have been bullied/teased for not fitting in (e.g not wearing makeup). Possibly as a result, I tend to avoid talking to people I don't know (through fear of getting it wrong I suppose, before when I've tried what I've said has never seemed right if that makes sense?), and absolutley avoid eye contact because I find it awkward and uncomfortable, even for a second. At school, I am generally in the top sets, being especially strong in maths (perhaps one of the best in the year). Although, I do doubt myself and my abilities, and always have to triple (if not more) check the time and details if I am meeting someone or going somewhere.

I didn't realise it before, but I do become obsessed with things. For example, a few years ago (and still) it was a pony, when I was younger I was interested in mountain goats and had a folder full of information about them!! In addition, I used to have a lot of tantrums and strops when I was younger (perhaps meltdowns?), and cracked the paintwork in my room through slamming the door!

There are a few more things but I feel like I've written too much already!! Could this be Aspergers, or is it just me trying to explain why I don't fit in? 

Thanks in advance for any advice, and sorry again if I have posted this in the wrong place x

  • recombinantsocks said:

     Some times people with the traits can manage perfectly well - I managed for a long time but eventually found myself in a situation where I couldn't fit in so things came off the rails a bit.

    Exactly, rbs, which is why I think Pluto should perhaps have a chat with her GP, if only for advice. She may not have the problems of some people who are at the more extreme end of the autistic spectrum but she seems concerned about her behaviour and I think it is always a good idea to confront what today may not be such a problem that later on could turn into something worse.

    I would have thought that her GP could at least offer an opinion and maybe provide her with more resources in the cause of trying to understand herself and how to cope in certain situations. After all, isn't this this the job of GP's? Too many people have had to suffer over the years because the information wasn't available that would have allowed them to obtain a diagnosis sooner and one would like to think this has changed significantly.

  • recombinantsocks said:

     Some times people with the traits can manage perfectly well - I managed for a long time but eventually found myself in a situation where I couldn't fit in so things came off the rails a bit.

    Exactly, rbs, which is why I think Pluto should perhaps have a chat with her GP, if only for advice. She may not have the problems of some people who are at the more extreme end of the autistic spectrum but she seems concerned about her behaviour and I think it is always a good idea to confront what today may not be such a problem that later on could turn into something worse.

    I would have thought that her GP could at least offer an opinion and maybe provide her with more resources in the cause of trying to understand herself and how to cope in certain situations. After all, isn't this this the job of GP's? Too many people have had to suffer over the years because the information wasn't available that would have allowed them to obtain a diagnosis sooner and one would like to think this has changed significantly.

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