

I'm awaiting diagnosis.It's been a long wait so far. I recently admitted to myself that something was really different about me. Lots of problems at work. Screaming inside. Calm outside.

I am starting to feel more calm now and trying to remove some filters so I can start talking a bit more again, regardless of how much I get laughed at or how rude people think I am. Toughest thing is trying to find a middle bit. Knowing when to shut up and when not to...


  • Hello everyone. 

    I am a mum to 3 amazing girls and our middle daughter has been in the system since lat july for an assessment of ASD. This week we recieved the ADOS results that confirm she is on the spectrum so i am here for adivce, help, support.  

    My emotions are crazy right now and i am at a loss as to what i do next. I wondered if she was on the spectru when she was around 18 months and it took years for my GP to listen and refer us to the paediatrician. part of me wants to scream at her but the other part says no, its not worth it.

    My oldest daughter takes most of the abuse from my little girl and my youngest copies everything. I feel guilty but im not sure what to do to help them. 

    so, I am here because i know i am not alone and i am positive i will find some incredible information here. 

    My questions are  as follows,

    Do I need to do anything? 

    Should I tell my oldest daughter about the spectrum (she is 8) 

    Do I need to do anything at school?

    Is it okay to feel cross/heartbroken? 

    Can the peadiatrician disgree with the ADOS? 

    Is there training or information events i can attend? 

    I would also like to add the she has extreme sensory issues and lives in the same clothes etc, eats the same food, its like groundhog day and I dont know how to move forward. 

    Her anxiety is emense too, are there any good books to help her understand how to deal/cope with it (explain it )