Trying to adjust to my diagnosis, does anyone else find...

that at work (if you are able to do so) that you can go from days and days where engagement with others is fractured and very difficult to having other (albeit rare) days where you are almost hyper verbose.

I have it in my mind that this makes me lool more effective and decisive but it probably actually makes me look hare brained.

Anyone else experience this sort of cycle?


  • Years ago.. when I could actually still manage to function at work, I went from trying not to talk to anyone, to wanting to talk all of the time.  Then I would panic about whether I should talk or not, or panic because I thought I was talking too much.   Aargh, why does it have to be so difficult!

    Eventually, it just became too much for my poor brain to cope with and I haven't worked for a decade now.

    In my defence, I am 60, and have only just been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome.  It's so difficult living as an adult when you don't have a clue as to what make you the way you are.  No wonder I have had GAD and depression for the last 20 years as well.

    Hah.. I even have written verbal diarrhoea... sigh

  • I think we do have a tendency to flip between verbal diarrhoea and retreating into ourselves. One reason for this is that we aren't good at picking up the non verbal stuff that other people would interpret as encouragement or discouragement to say more or less.

  • I do, not just for work but outside of it too. I am yet to find a pattern or a trigger what causes it.

    For me the bad days always come when there is more of a need to communicate, which is inconvenient - and possibly the trigger itself. I end up resorting to emails so it doesn't have a hugely adverse impact on my work.