
Ummm, recently watched a programme on tv with my wife about Aspergers, the wife said that it was me down to a tee, so I have done the NAS test for Aspergers and scored a great big 38.! Not bad going for someone who has served in the Royal Engineers Bomb Disposal Regiment and spent 10 years as a police officer after that.

It has put some things into context though, and I'm going to see my GP next week to see about getting a proper diagnosis or whatever it is they do. At the moment everything is a bit odd, I always knew that I was a bit different, but never thought it could be this.

  • Sounds like you need to change to another practice (if that's feasible where you live).  Having a diagnosis has helped me start to understand myself and make sense of things, so don't be discouraged, it's worth persisting.

  • The GP has taken over after the old one retired. As it turns out he's from different surgery in town, where the other 2 GP's are currently on trial in Cardiff Crown Court for manslaughter by gross negligence after the death of a 12 year old child in their care!

    Really filled with confidence now. Not.

    I'll just soldier on and resume normal Jogging, I won't bother the Doctor, especially with the attitude towards Aspergers that he has shown and the background of the practice he's come from.

  • That's awful!

    I would ask your surgery if you can see another doctor, preferably one with experience with ASD. I'd complain too! Have a look at this link too www.autism.org.uk/.../process, it might point you in the right direction regarding the laws about referrals for ASD.

  • Well, the GP was about as much use as a chocolate teapot! He made it blatantly clear that he wasn't interested, even told me that Aspergers is "normal" in men and that women with it tend to have Anorexia!

    Absolutely useless, a complete and utter waste of time going  to see him.

    He had no idea at all and even asked me why I had bothered him by coming to his surgery, well, I won't be going to him again. Wife is a Nurse so I'll be bypassing the GP and going straight to A&E for anything she can't deal with. I got the distinct impression that he couldn't be bothered or didn't care about Autism issues or Mental Health in general.

  • Hi Sapper33,

    Good luck with your diagnosis.  I've just been through the process, and although I'd suspected for a while, having it confirmed was a huge relief, as it explained a lot.

  • Hi Sapper33, and welcome.

    Hope everything goes ok with the GP next week - it seems that some doctors are very understanding (my own was great when I spoke to her about my AQ and other tests), while some others are less receptive, and others on the forum seem to have found they have to push for a referral a bit more.

    Everything does feel odd at first, when (like you did) you see a programme on TV, or (like me) you come across the AQ test, and the sudden realisation that everything fits exactly into place.

    Good luck for next week and do let us know how things go.