
Good day to you.

I am from Australia and belong to the First peoples here and born into the Arabana clan group.

I am very happy to know that there is a chat group to talk about matters that impact on everyday lives because of autism.

I am a mum of 28 years getting to know my son who has been given a diagnosis of autism, intellectual disability and tourettes conditions.

My life is dedicated to making his life meaningful and of quality.  He tells me about his preferences through communication with short sentences that are often repetitious and I read his body's behavior when he is happy, sad or mad.

I am not sure how to proceed in talking with you but open to say hello all the same.


  • Hi Sherbert,

    Welcome to the Community! Smile I've had to remove your full name and location from the post in order to protect your privacy.

    I'm sorry that you are finding things difficult at the moment. If you are wanting some general information on autism in order to understand your symptoms, then our 'What is autism?' section of the website may be helpful if you haven't already accessed it. Alternatively, it may be helpful to contact our helpline which you can also email so that you can be signposted to further support.

    Hope this helps you but if not please don't hesitate to contact us

    Sofie Mod

  • Hi my name is [removed by mod] and I live in a village called [removed by mod] 

    Which is outside [removed by mod] in [removed by mod] I am 27 years old and

    Haven't yet been diagnosed with a ASD I have been made aware

    That I do show signs of having a ASD and I was non verbal at five 

    Years old I've suffered with symptoms of ASD all my life but only

    Now have I really begun to notice them more and more.

    Please help any tips would be greatly appreciated.