Newbie - 18 month old daughter ASD

Hi everyone

My wife and I took our 18 month old daughter to the GP this morning as we know she has ASD - the list of symptoms she is dispaying is endless (constant stimming, hand and feet twirling, no speech at all, virtually oblivious to anyone including us, laughing at nothing, irregular play habits, walking circles), and she seems to be getting worse by the day.  It has culminated in the last two days with her beginning to head butt the floor.

We initially took some of her her ways to be quirks, but relaised we needed to consult our GP, who indeed this morning has referred us to a specialist.

It feels like we're living a nightmare, I'm still in shock as is my wife, can't stop crying seeing our little dolly behave the way she does.

I'm not really sure what else to say, we have four other healthy children between us, so we never expected this in a million years.

I know little of the condition and what support is out there, just to gain some advice on where to start would be a great help.

Many thanks,
