
hello, I'm Scarlette and I am literally about to turn 16 so I hope that's ok. 

I am undiagnosed with Aspergers and I haven't exactly spoken to anyone about it. I like drawing, painting, reading, playing the piano, coding, and not really anything else.

uhhh. That's pretty much it.

  • Hi Scarlette,

    Very nice to hear from you! Hopefully you will find lots of interesting things on the NAS website..particularly if you decide to go for a diagnosis. I wish I could paint and play the piano. Have you been playing long? We are considering lessons for our grandson as he likes to pick out little tunes on his keyboard. He often will work out little harmonies as well.

  • Hi Scarlette, welcome to the site Smile.  Have a look around via the home pg + the posts, if you haven't already.  Lots of info.  Are you considering pursuing a diagnosis?  How are things at school?  Sounds like you've got some interesting pastimes : drawing, painting, music, IT.  Have you a particular favourite pastime?  Post whenever you want + ask whatever you want.  I'm not autistic - my son is Smile.