Ex carer now in need of one

I have been a full time carer, strong, able to lift another. 

Now I am a shadow of myself, awaiting diagnosis which will hopefully be of some use. 

How many I wonder are strong in their youth and crumble increasingly as their mid years progress. Becoming old before their time. 

Being a wheelchair bound wreck and being somewhere at the upper end of the ASD spectrum, is really no fun at all. 

  • Hi again.  I suppose you've thought of this already, but you could join online forums that interested you + contribute.  When things are completed financially you can then consider having someone to help you at times in + outside of the home.  Good luck with everything, it is extremely unfortunate (to put it mildly) that the economic situation is so dire, affecting those who need help the most.

  • crystal12 I exist in a state between sleep and awake for much of the time, depressions move over me like clouds in a sky.

    I am regestered both here and another site with the same name. Reading other peoples posts is enlightening. I new so little about the problems that are common to so many.

    As for medication, I have a 'codeine' prescription waiting to be picked up by someone, its a ten minute walk, but may as well be on the far side of the moon for me. That is something I will not live on, its for occasional use only. Other than that I use whole roasted coffee bean, its not the caffine that works.

    I could help another, only if I can be taken, I rely on a wheelchair with power assistance.

    Adult Social Care know, I have told them, that I am now 'support group' on ESA, that puts me on the 'critical' waiting list, instead of what ever list I was on before. DWP backdated a full year my payment! Being on the 'Aspers' waiting list, seems to make them less keen on having anything to do with me, I did have a social worker earier in the year for a brief time, then thrown at the NHS referal system for Mental Health, that promptly went to sleep, needing me to awake it, the system is crudging hoping one will go away or die, I don't think it cares. At least I am now on dry land, I was on a boat.

    As far as I know, I have to buy my own care, when I get PIP.

    The local council is low on funds, so is rationing whats left. I am intelligent and good on the phone, I did support for many years. I have a backdated payment from the DWP, so I can look after myself until April? I suspect that is the case anyway.

    It could be worse, much, much worse, I could still be on the boat!

    So if I could be of help, I would love too. I can still talk, over the phone there are no visual clues to get wrong.

  • Hi again.  Is it your health that is preventing you being useful to somebody?  There are many people who would appreciate someone who would be willing to help them.  Have you thought of checking out the "do it.org" site where people can volunteer?  If you are no longer able to be a volunteer, then the names/addresses of the charities who post there may point you in the direction of having a volunteer coming to see you or perhaps that volunteer would like to go on outings with you : shops, places of interest, Drs, dentist, etc.  I think you can claim DLA fpr autism so that wd be some extra money, altho you might have to appeal their initial decision if they refuse to grant you it.  I am unclear if you already claim this or not.  Have you a social worker?  They can be useful sometimes in organising support etc.  It sounds to me (apologies if I've got this wrong) that you are depressed by your situation.  Ill health is depressing.  Some people with ongoing illnesses take anti depressants + say this helps their mood.   Good luck with everything.

  • The person I cared for died nearly five years ago. Some months after it was thought that my life expectancy was not long, grief takes its toll. I had become a shadow of myself, not yet a wreck.

    Now I am increasingly a wreck, I used to enjoy walking, quiet with nothing in my head except the wind and bird song. Now thats over, a wheelchair around the bungalow I exist in, and taken out occasionally by a relunctant sister.

    I at least have a more reasonable income now, "Support Group" on ESA, after going through the dreaded ATOS.

    I await PIP, "rheumatoid" and the "Apergers" diagnoses. Money from PIP could be used to pay for a carer to come in for a few hours a week. The ASD diagnoses I really do not know how or if that will help, my evident 'oddity' is sufficient for most.

    I would really like to be of use, wanted. Focusing on another is so much better than 'rotting', in a state between being awake and asleep.

  • Hi, caring takes its toll even if a person remains healthy for a long period of time.  Stress certainly doesn't help at all + can make a person ill.  I hope you get your diagnosis soon so that you can get appropriate treatment to help you.  And, no, being ill is definately "no fun at all", quite the reverse.  Are you still trying to care for someone, despite being unwell yourself + what help are you getting or hoping to get in that respect for the caree + you?