
Hi everybody Smile the brahma bull is here

  • Hang in there...the operations are to improve your physical condition right? I assume the wheelchair is a tempory measure. Also you'll likely find that your Aspergers becomes easier to manage as you learn more about it. 

  • Hello kitty its not good i am not well it all start to go wrong in the start of 2013 i was working full time in a good job .going back to 2006 when to the hospital to see a doctor works on back and spin gave me a mir then he toll me i had the bad scoliosis and it would get bad and he toll me i need to give up work and rest and injo live but what he said i dont no how bad its going to be, so from 2006 to 2013 lots of pain on pain killers trying to keep my good life going and having a life bang it me over night could move pain that bad thay call 999 taken to hospital mir toll my spin has moved only a little bit but its what it move out the way when it afler thay lots of doctors tests both knees i need new ones so get 2014 out the way then the start of numbers 1 of 3 ops to knees and spin and thay are saying i have got to have them and afler the 3 ops i will be in a wheel chair.  And to top it all my thay did a test on me and toll me i have autism aspergers my mind it playing with me i find it hard to think and work things out i am finding it hard to live

  • Hey Joseph, 

    it's ok to be on your own ! Many folk travel to eastern countries to live on their own in hilltop monasteries and get away from it all!  It's easy to look at others, or watch the tv and feel you are missing out but it really does take all sorts and so long as you are happy and healthy then you have the basics of life sorted.

    Do you have any family around you?  Or work or volunteer opportunities?  If you have a diagnosis there is help available.

    Hope today has been an UP day for you Smile

  • Hello Joseph, I am in my 60s and undiagnosed, but finding that I have more in common with people I meet here than anywhere else in life. You'll find people here are friendly and take an interest in each others problems with aspergers etc.

  • Hello to all i am 51 and just been told i have autism aspergers, will it did answer lots of things about how my live has been from a child, i have had lots of friends ships but thay never work out, i have never had any friends i spend lots of time on my own, i find it very hard to go out any where i just dont get on with any one i seem to upset them . My auitsm is bad some day i am happy and other days i am sad with life and looking at others that dont have what i have got i do try and not think about and just get on with it but its all ways there ? I hope any of you dont have it has bad has i do