
I listened to this utube video about autism this week and it mentioned masking- knew about that and do it- but then camouflage-ing. Sorry no idea how to spell that. 

It said autistic people slip in a room unnoticed and camouflage. I realised I do this so much.

In fact I have recently done this on this forum. 

I left for a couple or 3 years and just turned up again unannounced camouflage-ing. I don't want to do this now I realise that I do.  So sorry about that and a polite hello I am back to you all.

  • If you're interested, there's more information about masking (other terms for which include camouflaging and social camouflaging) here:

    NAS - Masking

  • I like to be almost invisible, I seldom drawn any attention if I can help it. 

    I only keep in contact with my family to keep them happy as they worry if I don't, I just check in and pretend to be interested in their world.

    If you appear to blend in a switch personalities to any given situation it gives you greater camouflage. They don't know that we walk among them.

    I don't fit anywhere but I can appear that I do, which is incredibly sad if you think about it.

  • Being the archetypical "Big Man" of my family, my ability to camouflage has been used for much mischief. There's a reason my family calls me Lurch (Addams Family). I actually need to take care to be less stealthy, as my old gran startles easily. I'm the only one in the family that knocks at her door and waits to be let in because of it. Not that anyone asked me to, mind. But sometimes if I visit while it's dark out, I can be standing at her doorway, under the porch light, looking right at her as she peers through the hall window, looking right my way. Then she opens the door and jumps out of her skin because apparently me standing under a bright light is too stealthy.

  • I'm so cr** at communication!

    My worst job would be as a hostage negotiator. "Go on, kill them all, see if I care" Slight smile

  • Neither am I but don't tell anyone Slight smile

  • I had to Google that Blush not a mathematician 

  • Yes, I dread work team events when it's something awful like secret santa. I was once the only person who didn't get a present. Cut deep. 

  • This is the story of my life. Even at home.

    I am completely indivisible Slight smile  (A little joke for all the mathematicians).

  • It said autistic people slip in a room unnoticed and camouflage. I realised I do this so much.

    Yes, I can certainly relate to this. Whether it's amongst the sober or the inebriate, I seem to have acquired a knack somehow for blending into the background, or foreground, or pretty much anywhere really. 

    Also get spoken over and looked through a lot when sitting at table with people. 

  • You see this us why I mask and camouflage as I'm so cr** at communication! I'd best stick to it I think..