Dissociative seizures PNES


my son suddenly started having seizures at 16. Had all tests done and been told they are dissiotive. The weird thing is after the seizure he can be very angry and aggressive. It is getting worse. Does anyone else have this? Or any he,p out there? Or what’s making them worse?

  • I'm sorry you and your son are going through this. It must be very distressing for both of you.

    I'm 66 years old and was diagnosed with ASD earlier this year. I have co-morbid GAD and cPTSD amongst other disorders. I endured many adverse childhood events.

    I stated to dissociate in stressful situations when I was 17 years old. In my case, they have persisted to this day, and are related to anxiety/cPTSD. I just let them come and go now that I know what they are. It's quite surreal when it happens.

    I don't know if this information helps you in any way but I wish you and your son well on life's journey.

  • I know of someone who has this. They've had scans and test after test which all came back as normal. 

    They have been advised that it's stress/ anxiety related. They are being treated with higher dose of SSRI and they are going to have counselling. 

    I think they treat it in a similar way to PTSD.

    She was told the seizures were her bodies way of coping when her anxiety maxed out.

    Good luck to you both 

  • Thanks for reply, it’s just that it’s not epilepsy and kings college hospital London think it’s more to do with my son having autism. Stress bringing the seizures on. Just wondered if anyone else out there had the same 

  • seizures isn't really an autistic thing. Of course it's posible to have autism and epilepsy at the same time and other conditions that causes seizures but seizures arenn't strictly an autistic thing so I doubt anyone here can help you.

    either way we're not doctors and can't really do much but point you to other sources.