Reintroducing myself

My name is  Tim . I'm a 67 year old left handed male. I come from quite a privileged background. I was privately educated from 8-18. It was not a good experience, especially at public school. I developed bullying related trauma due to my experiences. I first saw a pdoc just before I was 17. The ASD diagnosis came 45 years later. Mental health dxes are schizophrenia/schizoaffective and severe social anxiety. I very probably have dyspraxia, but have never been officially assessed for it. Several people with ADHD have suggested that I may have the inattentive type.

Not an illness/disability but I have total aphantasia. Physical health wise  I have limited mobility. I can walk about 20m and 20m back independently indoors. After about 15-20 mins upright pain kicks in. Physically I have atrial fibrillation,Barrett's  oesophagus,premature osteoporosis, (very)mild scoliosis,low vit, rheumatoid arthritis, and am quite clumsy and uncoordinated.

I live in small ground floor kitchen-living room-diner in a block of flats for those 55 or over.  Although reasonably intelligent, I'm not very good at those practical tasks most others take in their stride. My daughter is a great help, as are my granddaughters to a lesser extent.

I spend a lot of time online. My interests are genealogy inc DNA cousin matching, mental health/mental illness,politics(Labour member), online reaction time tests ,  and quizzes from Playbuzz to high range IQ.

  • welcome. this would be my first time welcoming you even though I know your a member cause I either wasnt part of the forum when your did your first welcome when you first started at the time or i missed it. thanks for re introducing yourself again. I have actualy got to know you better  than origionaly now that you have reintroduced yourself I hope you enjoy and  continue to enjoy the forum 

  • welcome. this would be my first time welcoming you even though I know your a member cause I either wasnt part of the forum when your did your first welcome when you first started at the time or i missed it. thanks for re introducing yourself again. I have actualy got to know you better  than origionaly now that you have reintroduced yourself I hope you enjoy and  continue to enjoy the forum 

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