
Hello, I hope everyone is well. I am waiting for an autism assessment and am incredibly anxious.

  • Hi - Welcome to the community. I am a 23 year old female from UK. 
    Hopefully you won't have to wait to long but I have recently (about 6 weeks ago) had my assessment so feel free to drop me a message if you just want some support

  • Hello Llama, Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me! May I ask, how long did you wait to receive your assessment? I am indeed in need of support so I may drop you a message one day! Currently, experiencing a huge amount of overwhelming sensations that have been coursing through my body since I received some devasting news late yesterday evening. Hope you are well.

  • Of course, we all need to be looking out for each other! 
    I waited almost 1 year for my assessment. I was diagnosed with Autism 6 weeks ago and I was diagnosed with ADHD only 2 days ago so I completely understand how overwhelming this feels for you.... let along what you have going on in your personal life.

    I hope you are okay and have a good support system around you but it is also nice to talk to people who are in a similar boat to you which is why this can be a great place to come to.

  • An exclamation mark leaves me feeling rather nervous! I prefer a comma over an exclamation mark! You are very understanding Llama!

    I forgot to mention to mention that you are the first llama I have spoken that has not bitten nor spat at me! Last llama I spoke with was less than impressed and made their dissatisfaction with my feeble attempt to socialise with them very clear.

    I am sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelming! Hopefully things will ease for you as time passes. Please do not apologise for oversharing! My ear is always open! Sharing is caring except when it comes to cake or wine! You must never share cake nor wine.

    That sounds amazing to have such clarity must help you in way some way. I do hope that I will find clarity when I receive my diagnosis. I really hope that my assessment will happen soon and provide me with the much needed clarity I have been seeking for a while. I hope that it will mean that I will be accepted for being me. I am different. I am unique. I am me. I long for the day someone will understand me (now I am oversharing).

    Thank you, Llama! Your words are reciprocated! Always here to listen and support as best I can.

    OMG! Rambling! One of my favorite words! I love rambling and I love to ramble about rambling!  

  • Do not apologise for the use of an exclamation mark! haha - I think it is a great way to express passion in what you are feeling at times! 

    Gosh, how do I feel? In honesty, quite overwhelmed. It is a lot to take on as now I am in a limbo stage of waiting for the additional help that I need. I have also had a change in jobs which I am not sure whether was the right move or not at present as I am seriously struggling with the change of it all.
    (sorry I am probably oversharing a little)

    Overall the diagnosis is great clarity and I am trying to think of it in a way that the majority of people know nothing about how their brains work so I am blessed that I have some knowledge of what makes me, me.

    I am sorry you don't have the support system around you, but like I said previously... I (along with the majority of people on here) are always here to talk and support one another.

    Gosh - look at me, now I am rambling!! 

  • I could not agree more! If we are strong enough, we should reach out to those around us and let them know that we are there for them! When you are at the top of the mountain you should help others to come and enjoy the view with you! I am overly concerned about over use of the exclamation mark! I do know what to do. I did it! Whoops! I am sorry I am in a constant loop. How do you feel about having been diagnosed with Autism and ADHD?

    Things are incredibly overwhelming for me at the moment, but I am alive which is all that matters! The present is called the present because it is a gift for which I am grateful! I endeavor to bring this message to a close as I have overused the exclamation mark. 

    I do not have a support network due to personal reasons. However, I have trees and wine! 

    Thank you for making me feel so welcome Llama! I like speaking to another human being that seems to be genuine and I do not have to be second guessing their intentions.

  • I could not agree more! If we are strong enough, we should reach out to those around us and let them know that we are there for them! When you are at the top of the mountain you should help others to come and enjoy the view with you! I am overly concerned about over use of the exclamation mark! I do know what to do. I did it! Whoops! I am sorry I am in a constant loop. How do you feel about having been diagnosed with Autism and ADHD?

    Things are incredibly overwhelming for me at the moment, but I am alive which is all that matters! The present is called the present because it is a gift for which I am grateful! I endeavor to bring this message to a close as I have overused the exclamation mark. 

    I do not have a support network due to personal reasons. However, I have trees and wine! 

    Thank you for making me feel so welcome Llama! I like speaking to another human being that seems to be genuine and I do not have to be second guessing their intentions.

  • An exclamation mark leaves me feeling rather nervous! I prefer a comma over an exclamation mark! You are very understanding Llama!

    I forgot to mention to mention that you are the first llama I have spoken that has not bitten nor spat at me! Last llama I spoke with was less than impressed and made their dissatisfaction with my feeble attempt to socialise with them very clear.

    I am sorry to hear that you are feeling overwhelming! Hopefully things will ease for you as time passes. Please do not apologise for oversharing! My ear is always open! Sharing is caring except when it comes to cake or wine! You must never share cake nor wine.

    That sounds amazing to have such clarity must help you in way some way. I do hope that I will find clarity when I receive my diagnosis. I really hope that my assessment will happen soon and provide me with the much needed clarity I have been seeking for a while. I hope that it will mean that I will be accepted for being me. I am different. I am unique. I am me. I long for the day someone will understand me (now I am oversharing).

    Thank you, Llama! Your words are reciprocated! Always here to listen and support as best I can.

    OMG! Rambling! One of my favorite words! I love rambling and I love to ramble about rambling!  

  • Do not apologise for the use of an exclamation mark! haha - I think it is a great way to express passion in what you are feeling at times! 

    Gosh, how do I feel? In honesty, quite overwhelmed. It is a lot to take on as now I am in a limbo stage of waiting for the additional help that I need. I have also had a change in jobs which I am not sure whether was the right move or not at present as I am seriously struggling with the change of it all.
    (sorry I am probably oversharing a little)

    Overall the diagnosis is great clarity and I am trying to think of it in a way that the majority of people know nothing about how their brains work so I am blessed that I have some knowledge of what makes me, me.

    I am sorry you don't have the support system around you, but like I said previously... I (along with the majority of people on here) are always here to talk and support one another.

    Gosh - look at me, now I am rambling!!