
Hello, I hope everyone is well. I am waiting for an autism assessment and am incredibly anxious.

Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you for sharing that with me! I hope I do not have to wait too long, however, if I do it is because there are other people that need an assessment more urgently than I do! My life thus far has been very difficult and I hope that an ASD diagnosis will make life easier for me. I hope I do have ASD because if I do it will mean I can have a huge celebration! Drinks on me! Hope you like a glass of moet or two(not that I am advocating drinking nor using it as form of self medicating #SorryModerators

  • Yes I'm autistic, I was diagnosed when I was 10. I can't remember how long I waited but I think it was about a year or two, though can't be certain. Hopefully you'll not have to wait as long as that though.