
Hello there, my name is Zane. I'm new here. I thought it might be wise to join an autistic community, something I should have done some time ago probably. I've always tried to do things on my own though, partially because I've never been much good at asking for help, which has caused me a lot of problems mentally. 

But I'm getting there with that now and have been job hunting. It's very stressful and so far I've heard back about no jobs except for my local Morrisons who got back to me yesterday the afternoon I applied with a questionnaire. I hope I answered it correctly and I'm hoping I'll hear back about an interview.

I've been wanting to work for a while as I'm trying to become more independent. I also have a bunch of things I want to do, like getting my Capri back on the road which presently I can't afford to do. 

I'm hoping this will lead to me meeting someone as well, though whether I'd be any good in a relationship is a curious thought lol.

But one thing at a time. Morrisons first.

My autism makes me a bit different and I often overthink literally everything. Half the time I take several steps forward without really thinking about it.

But this year I'm hoping will be successful. It's been a rotten few years so I'm hoping this year is the turning point.

Sorry this turned in to an introduction/thoughts lol.