
Hi everyone,I feel a bit of a fraud as I'm still awaiting an assessment so at the moment I'm undiagnosed ADHD and autistic,sadly my flatmate who was autistic passed away 2 weeks ago and I'm desperate for another autistic or ADHD friend to be silly with ,I'm still singing silly made up songs and dancing around the flat but there's only my dog for company ,don't get me wrong she is a great listener and keeps me busy but she hasn't got a great sense of humour ,I had a really interesting day yesterday with the physio,phone call from the doctor and the lady from social services and dying to chat to someone about it or like I said just a non serious chat ,I have a few friends on my estate but they don't have autism or ADHD so I don't really like spending time much time with them ,anyway hi to everyone and you all have a lovely day 

  • Hello and welcome

    You're not undiagnosed, you're self diagnosed, like me. I don't really know about ADHD but I know lots about autism - I know I'm autistic and I'm sure you know yourself too.

    It's sad that you no longer have your flatmate to talk to, but I'm glad to hear you have your dog to keep you company. Please feel free to join in with our chats here, and share as much as you feel comfortable with.

    If you change your user name to a nickname, that would help us to recognise you.

    Hope you enjoy chatting with us.

  • Sorry to hear your flatmate passed away, that's awful news. I don't think you'll struggle to find people to interact with on here, I'm finding it's a great place for some like minded conversations and advice.

    Dogs are great company, I work from home 75 percent of the week and it's just me and the dog as everyone else is at work/school. He's a great listener but probably wishes he could work the front door and make a run for it some days, I fear I bore him a bit!

    No rush for diagnosis and no need to feel a fraud without it. I didn't get diagnosed till I was 49 and always suspected my struggles were autism, I wish I'd found like minded people sooner to help make sense of it all.

  • Sorry, your flatmate has passed away.

    Enjoy photography, reading, listening to music and radio. Also, puzzle books and colouring. I do voluntary work.