
Hi I'm Alien. I'm autistic and today wasn't great. I've been trying to succeed in work but I'm finding it too much, my anxiety is triggered and heightened all the time and medication hasn't been helping either. Today I couldn't cope again and had two meltdowns and my mum and dad have said not to go back to work. But I hate being at home I feel like I should be working and it's unsettling reading about the benefits being cut for people with a disability.

At a loss I really am. I don't know whether I should keep trying to work or if I should listen to my parents and stop working. A few years ago I was in a terrible situation with my mental health and I had to go to hospital and I'm worried it's going to happen again. I don't know where to go from here with my life. I feel like so much is riding on what I do next.

  • I work in IT, as a programmer
    I'm not sure about another career. It's something I think about a lot but I often think whether I would be good at anything else

    An autistic friend of mine gave up computer programming to become a postman.

    A big drop in salary but he was much happier and did it for years.

  • Is there a way to work something out with your employer, so that you could work from home sometimes, when you're just not feeling 100% well? You have great support from your employer and your parents.

    Based on what you've wrote, I don't see this workplace as being a toxic environment for you to work in, but if it was, I'd be on the side of your parents, telling you not to go back there. So if the workplace is decent, and the employer is supportive and accommodating, I think you should try to continue working there. 

  • Hi. Thanks yes it's something I've considered but I'm still not sure what way to go with working. 

  • Hi, welcome to the community. Maybe you could switch to part time if it works for you. I totally understand that sitting at home is bad. I hope you find support and solutions for your anxiety 

  • Hello! I work in IT, as a programmer. I'm basically the person they come to when something stops working LOL. My employer has been both understanding and supportive and I'm grateful for that. He continues to offer more support than I probably deserve, I'm very lucky.
    I started off as a freelance game programmer, doing programming for gamers on a gaming forum. I have thought of trying to do that from home but this time as paid work but I'm not sure. I like my job. I like that it gets me outside and surrounded by others even if I'm not really interacting with them.

    Something for me to consider doing in any case.

    I'm not sure about another career. It's something I think about a lot but I often think whether I would be good at anything else. I hope so but I can be negative, it's a habit I'm trying to escape. But I think the main problem would be finding a career that won't trigger my anxiety as that's by far my biggest problem these days.
    Something from home would be best but what...I really don't have any idea.

    I was meant to be working this morning but having had an anxiety attack and a meltdown first thing I had to call in sick.

  • What type of job do you have? Is it full time? Can your employer make adjustments to help?

    You might cope better in a different type of job, or a part time one instead of full time. Think about whether you really like the job you have, and if not, what you might prefer.

    If there is a career you would like to move into but you don't have the relevant skills, you could take a break from working and take a course leading to a qualification that will help you move into that area of work. You might want to study at your local college, or through distance learning online.